beats components of elastic are used

1.Filebeat Filebeat is mainly used for forwarding and centralizing log data. Filebeat is installed on the server as a proxy to monitor the log files or locations you specify, collect log events, and forward them to Elastic Search or Logstash for ind ...

Added by sguy on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 11:17:23 +0300

Jetson AGX Xavier Trampling Record

1. Upgrade all installation packages and update the system after networking  sudo  apt-get update 2. Install Chinese Input Method sudo  apt-get install fcitx-googlepinyin 3. Install nano text editor, preferring this text editor (no commands required). I used to like gedit, but last time in Jetson ...

Added by butsags on Tue, 13 Aug 2019 08:34:07 +0300

ROS Kinetics + Realsens D435i + ORK + LINEMOD Object Recognition

1. ORK Website: ORK (Object Recognition Kitchen) is an ROS integrated object recognition library. Current Kinetic version of ROS only integrates some binary installation files of feature packages, so it needs to be compiled and installed through source code. Install Dependent Librarie ...

Added by johnsonzhang on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 00:46:55 +0300

Installation and Testing of Ubuntu 16.04 DSO [Complete Process + Pit Filling Strategy]

DSO Installation and Testing Operating environment Ubuntu 16.04 ROS-kinetic Mono-steoro monocular camera rely on DSO dependencies are very few. Only a few libraries, such as Eigen3, pangolin and opencv, are familiar to everyone. The installation of DSO is described in detail on the author's gith ...

Added by cjcdadams on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 11:34:50 +0300

manjaro configuration record

I. Source Change Official mirror sources (including core, extra, community, multilib) sudo pacman-mirrors -i -c China -m rank //Update Mirror Ranking sudo pacman -Syy //Update data sources After running the first command, a few source options will appear in a few moments. Click on the source you want to select and recommend Tsinghua Source. ...

Added by wickning1 on Fri, 26 Jul 2019 10:54:14 +0300

kong cluster deployment

kong cluster deployment Attached official cluster reference document (1) Installing kong on multiple servers Prepare the server environment for centos7, the first server for centos6, install kong, and execute the following code: $ sudo yum update -y $ sudo y ...

Added by JeDi58 on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 13:04:02 +0300

my_shell implemented by linuxc

problem 1. Implementation of CD command (cd, CD ~, CD -, CD path) Because the CD command is built-in in shell command, it can not call the command of the system to implement cd, so it has to be handwritten. The functions used are: char * getcwd(char * buf, size_t size); //Get the current working d ...

Added by LDM2009 on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 09:03:56 +0300

Proper Local Source Setup for apt Intranet under Ubuntu

Proper Local Source Setup for apt Intranet under ubuntu Why is it built correctly because the construction process copies with the pit encountered on the web, and the amount is 100g at a time.What's more, the 16.04 system uses the 14.04 source, prompting apt-get install-f to execute. Never execute this command. I feel afraid to use this command ...

Added by Sware on Sun, 21 Jul 2019 19:21:03 +0300

Ubuntu 16.04's hard journey to configure mysql and modify storage paths

I used to use mysql on windows, now I use mysql on ubuntu16 and install workbench. 1) Installation process The installation process is relatively simple. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client You can install mysql well, and do not need to go to the mirror download and install it manually step by step. That req ...

Added by pyr on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 03:25:29 +0300

veth of Linux Virtual Network Device

With the last article on Introduction of tun/tap After that, you should have a certain understanding of virtual network devices. This article will then introduce another virtual network device veth. Characteristics of veth equipment Like other network devices, veth connects to the kernel protocol stack at one end. The veth device appears in pa ...

Added by Steve Mellor on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 21:10:27 +0300