Svelte's lost search -- component transfer and state management

1, Simple experience Svelte's development experience is very similar to Vue 3 In the Svelte component, JS is also written in the < script > tag and CSS is written in < style > The slight difference is that DOM templates do not need to be written in < template >, but can be written anywhere <script> import Nested fro ...

Added by raahool_16 on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:49:39 +0200

Svelte lost search -- building the first svelte application

Svelte It is a new responsive framework, which is close to Vue in terms of development experience. Please refer to the specific introduction   1, Create application Svelte provides Template project , you can pull it locally through {degit npx degit sveltejs/template <project-name> js is used by default for pulling projects. If you want ...

Added by kevinritt on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:01:01 +0200

Introduction to Svelte -- implementing cross framework component reuse with Web Components

Use Svelte to develop custom cell components supported by VUE and ReactIn the previous section, we learned how to use Svelte to encapsulate web components to enable the use of spreadsheet components between different pages.The benefits of cross framework reuse of Svelte encapsulated components are also obvious:1. Using framework development, it ...

Added by kutti on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:12:27 +0200