Learn this article about continuous integration of at least 10K salary increase: appium+python+jenkins automated test framework
1.1 common app types:
1.2 why Appium
1.3 Appium benefits
1.4 Appium design
(2) appium client and server parameters
2.1 Appium client
2.2 Appium server
2.2. 1 Principle
2.2.2 Server -args startup parameters
(3) Find_element element positioning
3.1 positioning method of element:
3.2 Selenium positioning mode:
3.3 Appium ...
Added by PrObLeM on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:53:36 +0200
Testng: load external data
1 Overview
For a function or a process, given an input, it should return a result
Input refers to the combination of parameters or conditions, which constitutes different test scenarios
The result is the input processing of the program. Compare it with the expected result to see the correctness of the function of the current test scenario
W ...
Added by whitemoss on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:39:44 +0200
Learn a little every day: data encapsulation of excel test cases in python
python involves the test case data encapsulation of excel, and there are several third-party libraries. For example, the relationship between lxlwt and xlwt
1. Package excel test case reading function
Encapsulate the operation steps of reading function in excel test case 1. Open workbook workBook =xlrd. open_ Workbook (file path) 2. Get wo ...
Added by alan007 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:36:45 +0200
Global variable of Airtest
Last review: Airtest API text()
Based onpython3.8;airtestIDE1.2.11;airtest1.2.2;pocoui1.0.83
Just as all test frameworks have a place to store global variables, Airtest also has a place to store global variables:
# File location: your_python_path/site-packages/airtest/core/settings.pyclass Settings(object): DEBUG = False LOG_DIR = ...
Added by Wayne on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 12:10:22 +0200
Oracle query statement
1, Multi table query
multi-table query -- merge union -- intersection intersect -- subtraction minus The INTERSECT operator returns only the common rows of the two queries For example:
SELECT orderno FROM order_master
SELECT orderno FROM order_detail;
The MINUS operator returns rows that appear in the sec ...
Added by MVSS on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:01:09 +0200
Selenium | after page Jump, you can't locate the element. How to break it?
This article is excerpted from the internal textbook of Hogwarts Testing Institute
When you want to locate an element, if you can't locate it, you should consider whether the browser has embedded a frame window or the element you want to find is in the newly opened window. At this time, frame is required Switch between or windows.
frame is ...
Added by shivabharat on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 19:45:45 +0200
[test and development practice] alfred + python + charles quickly debug the http interface
Before writing interface automation, you often need to carefully understand an interface, simulate the request and construct different request parameters to preliminarily verify the function of the interface. At present, in this process, it is found that it is very convenient and lightweight to directly use python requests to construct http req ...
Added by razta on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 04:50:03 +0200