Java Second Kill System Actual Series ~RabbitMQ Dead Letter Queue Processing Overtime Unpaid Orders

Summary:This blog is the tenth in the "Java Second Kill System Practical Series Articles". In this blog, we will adopt RabbitMQ's death letter queue to deal with the situation that "user's death letter queue generates orders successfully but fails to pay late", so we can see the strength of RabbitMQ's death letter queue in t ...

Added by llimllib on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 07:33:20 +0300

Use of Open Source Database Connection Pool

The last blog just talked about how to customize a database connection pool. Of course, this customized database connection pool is very simple, and can not write excellent connection pool by its own ability. However, don't worry, we can use open source database connection pools, which is the advantage of open source. There are three open sourc ...

Added by 2RIP on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 07:01:54 +0300

JDK Command Line Tool for JVM Tuning Foreplay - jstack

The command line of JDK is certainly one of the most familiar commands for general developers, such as java,javac,javap. However, there are many other command line tools under jdk/bin that are used to monitor the status of the JVM when it is running. Here's a detailed explanation of several commonly used tools and how to use them. jstack jstack ...

Added by no_maam on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 08:08:01 +0300

Dockerfile you must know

This article has been added to the Index of.NET Core on K8S Learning Practice Series Articles , you can click to see more articles related to container technology. 1. About Dockerfile The most common way to create mirrors in a Docker is to use a Dockerfile.Dockerfile is a description file of a Docker image, which we can understand as A, B, C, D ...

Added by nc_brox on Tue, 13 Aug 2019 05:32:25 +0300

tomcat Log Details 1 tomcat log details 1.1 tomcat log configuration file The configuration file of tomcat corresponding to the log: / conf/ under the tomcat directory. tomcat's log level includes: SEVERE (highest level) > WARNING > INFO > CONFIG > FINE > FINER (elaborate) ...

Added by ngoweb on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 05:43:31 +0300

spring-boot learning: second, create a restful web service

At first, I don't know how to start. I can learn from demo provided by the government. Such as: Can download the source code to see, have a rough understanding. Environmental preparation: JDK 1.8 and above, Maven 3.2+ For editors, it is recommended to use Intelli ...

Added by parag on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 12:50:16 +0300

Deep and simple introduction of spring boot 2.x configuration data source

Configuring data sources After relying on spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, it configures data sources for you by default. These default data sources are mainly memory databases, such as h2, hqldb and Derby. Sometimes they need to be configured as the data sources we want. Start the default data source ...

Added by Jeroen_nld on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 09:26:23 +0300

Linux Commands Java Developers Must Master - Learn to Use

"Font color='blue'> Confucius said:" If you want to do a good job, you must first use the weapon. "</font> Be a positive personCode, fix bug s, improve yourself I have a paradise for programming, spring blossoms! Learning should be happy. In this paradise, I try to make myself use of simple and easy to understand (funny ...

Added by fipp on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 07:04:48 +0300

MyBatis Executor Overview and Source Parsing

Label (Space Separation): Mybatis Actuator Overview Like tomcat, Mybatis has an executor, but not as complex as tomcat. The executor provides query, modification, transaction submission, transaction rollback, first-level cache cleaning, FlashStatement interface. An executor corresponds to a SqlSession, which is created by Configuration. Mybat ...

Added by pooker on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 05:52:06 +0300

Java Servlet Detailed Tutorial

Servlets are Java classes that comply with the Java Servlet API, and these Java classes can respond to requests. Although Servlets can respond to any type of request, they are most widely used in response to web requests. Servlets must be deployed in Java servlet containers before they can be used. Although many developers use it Java Server Pa ...

Added by nca on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 00:49:02 +0300