Analysis of the problem that the custom interceptor cannot intercept zuul requests

1 process 1. Create a custom interceptor class MyInterceptor   2. Register interceptor @Configuration public class WebConf extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired MyInterceptor myInterceptor; @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { ...

Added by pramodv on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 08:19:44 +0300

TOMCAT source code analysis -- start

TOMCAT source code analysis - start Preposition The source version of Tomcat is version 9.0.35 downloaded from the official website. configuration file The configuration file started by Tomcat is server.xml The start-up process is all around it, and the module structure of Tomcat can also be seen ...

Added by anthylon on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 09:05:19 +0300

Configuring Maven skills in Eclipse

Configuring Maven in Eclipse Specify the path to configure and install maven Mavan local warehouse with Eclipse: Instead of the warehouse and setting we configured, you can also use the default one relation setting.xml file to configure setting.xml , plus Alibaba proxy imageIt will be slow to download jar directly from the address of the centr ...

Added by Who on Fri, 22 May 2020 19:12:18 +0300

Using WebSocket under Tomcat

Environmental Science tomcat 9 JDK8 web project with framework Use Jar package selection Because the packages used in the online tutorials are many and miscellaneous, the average person may not see how to use them. In fact, the choice is very simple J2EE: Java EE API with J2EE Others: javax.websocket tomcat: built in websocket API ...

Added by mbh23 on Sun, 03 May 2020 09:57:12 +0300

Log printout in eclipse environment

1. First configure the jdk Choose Preferences---- Find the location of your own jdk 2. Configure Tomcat window-----preferences------- Find your own tomcat location 3. Right click the project, build path -------- > configure build path   4. Import log4j-1.2.14.jar Right click log4j-1.2.14.jar file build path ----- > add to build p ...

Added by hadeosdin on Sat, 02 May 2020 12:22:02 +0300

File upload Spring MVC cross server

prerequisite The value of enctype of form must be multipart / form data. The function of enctype is the type of request body method must be post Need to have < input type = "file" / > tag To implement a file using the Commons file upload component, you need to import the corresponding supporting jar package of the comp ...

Added by elle_girl on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 19:17:11 +0300

Tutorial on using the SpringBoot series log framework

Based on the previous blog, An introduction to the log framework of the SpringBoot series and its principles After the blog, this blog can help you learn about Springboot by providing a more detailed description of the specific use of the blog framework as a usage manual @[toc] 1. SpringBoot Log Level 1) Introduction to Log Level Briefly introd ...

Added by busnut on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 20:02:24 +0300

I heard that you still can't figure out = = and equals in java?

I believe that a lot of readers know about = = and equals, and they know about = = and equals. In fact, it may be because there are too many blog articles and so on. After a period of baptism, they get lost. This article is clear again. Of course, if I think this article is too verbose, of course, I have taken it into consideration, because I d ...

Added by sameerni on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 15:51:42 +0300

Learn ECs from scratch - Docker+Tomcat+Nginx+MySQL

brief introduction For the enterprise application architecture, it is certainly not limited to one server. According to my imagination: at least one server that deploys the back-end interface; one server that deploys the front-end page; one server that acts as a proxy; one server that loads the database, etc., which does not include load balanc ...

Added by M.O.S. Studios on Tue, 24 Mar 2020 12:43:14 +0200

Spring MVC Startup Process Analysis

This is the first post in the Spring MVC series of blogs, which will be summarized in a post. Spring MVC is the most frequently used part of the Spring family framework.Whether it's a Spring Boot or a traditional Spring project, the Spring MVC section is used for any Web project.Therefore, programmers must be familiar with the MVC section.This ...

Added by snakebit on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 06:09:58 +0200