[hands-on tutorial] uniapp + vue build a live broadcast App of imitation Betta tiger teeth from 0: Tencent cloud MLVB mobile live broadcast practice, even wheat PK + bring goods

Tencent cloud mobile live broadcasting application practice based on uniapp + vue, realizing the following functions:1: User login2: Room management3: Room chat4: Live beauty5: Svga gift animation6: One on one audienceProject development environmentIDE: HbuilderX 3.0+Development framework: uniapp + vue2 x + sassOperating platform: Android, IOSE ...

Added by GB_001 on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 20:31:07 +0200

uniapp custom bottom navigation bar

When working on a project, it is often encountered that the style on the UI diagram cannot be implemented in the existing framework. For example, the font of the bottom navigation bar can be changed into a gradient when it is selected. The css style can be directly modified in the browser, but it is found that it does not take effect at all whe ...

Added by jediman on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:10:19 +0200

Developing sqllite public method with uni app (h5 using sqllite for synchronous and asynchronous problems)

Basic information of the project Using uni app development, the client selects sqllite for local data storage Uni app reference address Uni app official website (dcloud.io) sqllite reference address HTML5+ API Reference (html5plus.org) Solutions to asynchronous Asynchronously executed code generally has callbacks. Create your own callbac ...

Added by Toboe on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 11:51:18 +0200

Uni app Basics

Foundation: Environment constructionPage appearance configurationData bindingLife cycle of uni appUse of componentsStyle learning in uni appUsing Font Icon and opening scss in uni appConditional annotation cross end compatibilityEvents in uniNavigation jumpComponent creation and communication, and component life cycleUsing the uni UI Libra ...

Added by sawade on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 12:50:17 +0200

uniapp small program sends template messages through official account.

One difficulty of this function is how to connect the official account information with the small program so that the information can be given to him. There are two ways to achieve this official account. The first official account official account: through unionId, the openid of the small program and the openid of the official account are diffe ...

Added by wafawj on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 05:21:26 +0300

Wechat like voice + video call function developed by uniapp+nvue: realize one-to-one voice and video online call

This article is the third to realize the wechat effect function by using uni app and nvue. Today, we implement the example project of uniapp imitation wechat audio and video call plug-in based on uniapp + nvue, which realizes the following functions: 1: Voice call 2: Video call 3: Paging status feedback Software effect:         T ...

Added by AjithTV on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 15:13:57 +0300