Vue 3.0 Component Foundation

1. Pros Verification 1. props node of object type Each prop can be checked for data type using props nodes of object type. Disadvantages of using props nodes of array type: you cannot specify a specific data type for each prop. 2. props authentication scheme 2.1 Basic Type Check Specify the underlying check type directly for the prop prop ...

Added by raghavan20 on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 21:07:04 +0200

Construction practice of front-end drawing bed (front-end chapter)

Project backgroundIt is inevitable to use multimedia materials such as pictures and videos in the front-end development process. The common processing schemes usually separate the dynamic and static, and place pictures and other resources on the drawing bed. In addition to using the drawing bed resources commonly used in the industry, such as q ...

Added by pieai on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 13:58:38 +0200

Construction practice of front-end drawing bed (front-end chapter)

Project background It is inevitable to use multimedia materials such as pictures and videos in the front-end development process. The common processing schemes usually separate the dynamic and static, and place pictures and other resources on the drawing bed. In addition to using the drawing bed resources commonly used in the industry, suc ...

Added by ranjuvs on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 12:59:05 +0200

Vue3 study notes

Vue3 study notes I haven't seen the relevant knowledge of vue3 systematically before. I met the first Spring Festival holiday just more than a month after I joined the job, so I saw the relevant knowledge of vue3 during this period. Otherwise, the project is too hard to do Vue3 has two ways to create a project Scaffolding Install via vite ...

Added by frizzo on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 09:10:31 +0200

Vue3&TypeScript pit summary

Installation environment 1.node version above 12 Project creation npm init @vitejs/app + Project name 1. Configure routing router-index.ts npm install vue-router@4 --save import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory, RouteRecordRaw } from "vue-router"; const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [ { path: "/", name: "Home", meta: { ...

Added by a-mo on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 03:38:36 +0200

The difference between vue2 and vue3 bidirectional data binding

The new responsive mechanism adopts ProxyApi of ES6 and abandons object defineProperty() Problems in Vue2 bidirectional data binding About objects Vue cannot detect the addition or removal of properties. Because Vue will perform getter/setter conversion on the property when initializing the instance, the property must exist on the data obj ...

Added by hsn on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 02:34:10 +0200

Use of keep alive of vue

Concept: Keep alive is a built-in component of Vue. When it wraps dynamic components, it caches inactive component instances instead of destroying them. Similar to transition, keep alive is an abstract component: it does not render itself as a DOM element or appear in the parent component chain. effect: In the process of component switching, ...

Added by blackmamba on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 02:25:53 +0200

The use of Vue Router 4 is thoroughly explained in an article

Vue 3.X using Vue router 4 X for routing configuration, let's study how to use Vue router 4 x. All usage methods in this article are using the Composition API. This paper introduces Vue router 4 step by step X to build a simple blog system, so that you can understand the new version of Vue router 4 X has a complete understanding, and then can ...

Added by domineaux on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 22:33:43 +0200

Learn the basic usage of Vue Vue components from scratch

VUE components Basic concepts Component development: according to the idea of encapsulation, encapsulate the reusable UI structure on the page into components, so as to facilitate the development and maintenance of the project Component development in vue: vue is a front-end framework supporting component development, and the suffix of t ...

Added by thepriest on Sat, 05 Feb 2022 20:42:17 +0200

Principle analysis of Render function in vue

In one sentence: The render function is responsible for parsing the template into Vnode (virtual DOM) nodes How to do it? 1. What is the output result of template compilation? Template compilation will translate the template written by the user ↓ <div id="NLRX"><p>Hello {{name}}</p></div> Convert to ast expressed ...

Added by dta on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 10:03:42 +0200