Zabbix4.0 monitors multi-instance java runs through JMX

(1) Introduction1. Introduction to JMXThe full name of JMX is Java Management Extensions (Java Management Extensions), which is a framework for implanting management functions for applications, devices, systems, etc. JMX can flexibly develop seamlessly integrated systems, networks and service management across a range of heterogeneous operatin ...

Added by buzz on Tue, 21 May 2019 19:11:39 +0300

Zabbix installation and deployment in docker

1. Create docker-compose.yml file Start by creating a docker-compose.yml file that uses docker-compose to organize containers. $ mkdri /zabbix #Create a zabbix file in the root directory $ cd /zabbix $ touch docker-compose.yml #Create yml container marshalling file 2. Writing the contents of yml documents $ ll $ vim ...

Added by thebutler on Thu, 16 May 2019 06:46:27 +0300