In the solution to the problem of enemy troops' Formation & & c + +, cin is a big pit

In c + +, cin is a big pit. Why do you say that? Let's look at the solution first. The operation of this problem on the line segment tree is very simple (if you are lazy, you don't write the detailed process...), If you don't know the line segment tree, click the link below (this is equal to this question) Important line segment tree algorithm ...

Added by gromer on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 11:53:19 +0200

Surface finishing plan - the third bullet

& & other algorithms 1, Algorithm Given an array of prices, its ith element price [i] represents the price of a given stock on day I. You can only choose to buy this stock one day and sell it on a different day in the future. Design an algorithm to calculate the maximum profit you can make. Return the maximum profit you can make ...

Added by srhino on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:29:10 +0200

Blue Bridge Cup AcWing learning notes 4-2 simulated learning (with relevant Blue Bridge real questions: wrong ticket, moving distance, date problem, flight time, takeout priority) (Java)

Students who participate in the blue bridge cup can pay attention to the blogger. The blogger is also preparing the Blue Bridge Cup and can brush questions with the blogger's blog. Blue Bridge Cup My AcWing The title and pictures are from the counseling class of group ab of Blue Bridge Cup C + + simulation According to the operation g ...

Added by phant0m on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:42:04 +0200

Dichotomy -- it will be abolished as soon as you look at it

1, What is dichotomy? Dichotomy, also known as binary search, is generally used to find the position of a value in an ordered array or the insertion position of a given specific value; Compared with the O (n) complexity of traversing the entire array once, binary search can reduce the complexity to o (logn); The basic concept of bisectio ...

Added by vtb on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 22:55:58 +0200

Force buckle LCP37 - Minimum rectangular area

Note: Question 5 of 2021 force buckle cup spring team competition Key points of algorithm: Intersection of two linesDivide barrels by slopeDetail processing subject Title Link LCP 37. Minimum rectangular area Title Description There are NN straight lines on the two-dimensional plane in the form of y = kx + b, where K and B are integer ...

Added by mariolopes on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:23:05 +0200

DPLL algorithm (solve k-SAT problem) in detail (C++)

Python WeChat Subscription Applet Course Video Python Actual Quantitative Transaction Finance System By ChesiumBy Chesium\text{By}\ \mathsf{Chesium} The DPLL algorithm, fully known as the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland) algorith ...

Added by RobinTibbs on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 19:21:36 +0200

Find the largest search binary tree in the binary tree (tree BP)

Find the largest search binary tree in the binary tree (tree BP) Question Restatement: Given the head node root of a binary tree, it is known that the values of all nodes are different. Find the search binary tree with the most nodes Problem analysis: We can judge each node and finally get the largest of all nodes Solution: Tree BP (recursive) ...

Added by Dilbert137 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 18:10:18 +0200

[algorithm experience] array 11, 15

11. Container with the most water Give you n nonnegative integers a1, a2,..., an, each representing a point (i, ai) in the coordinate. Draw n vertical lines in the coordinates. The two endpoints of vertical line i are (i, ai) and (i, 0). Find two of these lines so that the container they form with the x-axis can hold the most water. My idea: ...

Added by AAFDesign on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:39:39 +0200

Introduction to C + + Basics

Introduction to C + + Basics 1. Initial knowledge of C + + [introduction to C + +]( (31 messages) [C + +] dark horse programmer "C + + from introduction to Mastery"_ Langli xiaofeixia blog - CSDN blog_ Dark horse programmer C++) 1.1 the first C + + program #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a =10 ...

Added by norpel on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:13:23 +0200

Open volume data structure - linked list

💟 About the author: Hello, I'm Ceylan_, You can call me CC ❣️      📝 Personal homepage: Ceylan_ Blog 🏆 Blogger information: ordinary freshmen have extraordinary dreams Column Prepare for the Blue Bridge Cup    One question per day PTA ladder race ⚡ I hope you can give me more support 😘 Progress together~ ❤️ 🌈 If helpfu ...

Added by gere06 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:08:59 +0200