Automatic test of sorting method (only one line of code)

Last project address The test method has been written. The automatic test is adopted. You only need to call it. It is very simple. In this way, our energy can be focused on the algorithm implementation of SortCore. The auto ...

Added by pulsedriver on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:28:58 +0200

Sorting of top ten sorting algorithms (including JavaScript version and Python version source code)

Sorting algorithm Reference website: Ten classical sorting algorithmsTen classic sorting algorithms · Python code display Algorithm classification Related concepts Comparison sort: the relative order between elements is determined by comparison. Because its time complexity cannot exceed O(nlogn), it is also called nonlinear ...

Added by angelssin on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 09:06:10 +0200

Summary of Study on Jieba Word Separation Code

2021SC@SDUSC Algorithms used for jieba word segmentation: Efficient word map scanning based on Trie tree structure generates a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of all possible word-forming situations of Chinese characters in a sentence. Dynamic programming is used to find the maximum probability path to find the maximum tangent combination based on ...

Added by OilSheikh on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 07:40:49 +0200

Java interview design pattern summary and case code demonstration

Java design pattern Design pattern classification: design patterns are divided into three types, a total of 23 Create pattern Singleton pattern, factory pattern, abstract factory pattern, prototype pattern, builder pattern Structural model Adapter mode, decorator mode, appearance mode, agent mode, bridge mode, assembly combination mode and ...

Added by Jem on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 06:48:48 +0200

[Christmas special session] after brushing this set of linked list questions, I laughed when the interviewer took the linked list test

⭐ Introduction ⭐ ️ Hello, I'm Zhijie. I believe you all know the importance of data structure and algorithm. Among them, the linked list is the top priority. Many brothers feel that it is nothing more than a single linked list and a double linked list. It is very simple to add, delete, change and query. Indeed, although the linked list is sim ...

Added by shock on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 05:21:03 +0200

Research on traffic casualty accident prediction based on extended tecdat|R language Markov transformation model

Original link: source: Tuo end data tribal official accountabstractThis paper describes the analysis process of Markov transformation model in R language. Firstly, the simulation data set is modeled in detail. Next, the Markov transformation model is fitted to a real data set with discrete response variables. D ...

Added by Shit4Brains on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 04:57:52 +0200

Algorithm problem solving

First algorithm job Problem A. flower of thought - equation Time limit 1000 ms Memory limit 128 MB Title Description It can be seen as a univariate cubic equation such as ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0. The coefficients of each item in the equation (a, b, c and d are real numbers) are given, and it is agreed that the equation has three different real ...

Added by ldoozer on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 03:24:12 +0200

Chapter 1 of AcWing algorithm improvement course - dynamic programming - longest ascending subsequence model

    1017. Strange thief Kidd's glider wing     Input example: 3 8 300 207 155 299 298 170 158 65 8 65 158 170 298 299 155 207 300 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Output example: 6 6 9 Solution: After determining the glide direction, it is transformed into LIS problem, which is equivalent to finding the longest descent subsequen ...

Added by demonicfoetus on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 02:52:22 +0200

Week 253 of leetcode

This week's competition is relatively simple. I wrote three questions in an hour. The last question, I forgot how to write the longest common subsequence of greedy plus two points. dp's card is lost, and I supplemented it after it. 5838. Check whether the string is an array prefix class Solution { public boolean isPrefixString(S ...

Added by warstormer on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 21:12:53 +0200

[Capriccio 7] the focus of nSum problem is reasonable de duplication

Reference: a method to solve the nSum problem In an array, given a targer, find n numbers so that their sum is target For example, the array is [- 4, - 4, - 3, - 2, - 1,0,1,2,3,4,4] When n = 2, target=0, the results are [- 4,4], [- 3,3] When n = 3, target=0, the results are [- 4,1,3], [- 3,1,2] When n = 4, target=1, the result is [- 4, - 2,3, ...

Added by merrydown on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 19:21:02 +0200