Simple message at the top

  Let's see the renderings first A message list, and then click the item to refresh the time, and then click the top to refresh the time. The top rule is based on two fields If it is in the top state, top is 1, and then time will be refreshed for each operation. Time is the saved time stamp. First, look at the entity class package com.fragme ...

Added by mrbippy on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 20:52:09 +0300

React native opens the setting interface

iOS iOS open settings are relatively simple. You can use the Linking component to: Linking.openURL('app-settings:') .catch(err => console.log('error', err)) Android 1. Create the opensettings folder under the Android / APP / SRC / main / Java / COM / < ProjectName > / folder 2. In this folder, create the module file OpenSettingsModul ...

Added by Emperor_Jackal on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 20:45:53 +0300

LruCache details and actual combat

First of all? Before reading this article, let's learn about LinkedHashMap and LruCache. First, let's look at the following two articles: Working principle and implementation of Java LinkedHashMap Android efficiently loads large and multi map solutions, effectively avoiding the program OOM - CSDN blog It's the b ...

Added by Rolando_Garro on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 17:44:02 +0300

How to use Android's local radio

There are security issues with Android's global broadcast. For example, sending some critical data broadcasts may be captured by other applications, or receiving all kinds of garbage broadcasts sent by other programs. Local broadcast is to solve this security problem. It can only be delivered within the application, and the broadca ...

Added by Pandolfo on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 16:21:43 +0300

Meta data of meta data

Meta data in Android is used in the Android manifest.xml file. The < meta data > tag is used to provide additional data for components. It is a key value pair in itself. You can customize the name and value or resource. It can be included in the following six components: <application> <activity> <activit ...

Added by sean14592 on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 12:08:31 +0300

Android EditText enter mobile number auto space

Jane book: Android EditText enter cell phone number space The development requirement is to insert a space in the middle of the mobile EditText on the login page to make the user look convenient. 130 1234 4567, the fourth number and the fifth number in the middle are preceded by a space. It is also required that in ...

Added by needphphelp on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 09:34:15 +0300

JNI Java layer object is associated with C + + underlying object, and the way of long pointer passing is abandoned

JNI Java layer objects are associated with C + + underlying objects in a different way than "long pointer passing" When developing Android JNI, Java classes and C++ classes are often required to correspond with each other. For example, the Java layer has a class, and the C++ layer has a class ca ...

Added by michaelfn on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 08:42:29 +0300

Android advanced - using LitePal to operate database

Learn to use LitePal to operate database About LitePal: LitePal is an Android open source library, which makes it very easy for developers to use SQLite database. You can do most of the database operations without writing a single SQL statement, including creating tables, updating tables, constraining operations, ...

Added by freeloader on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 21:23:32 +0300

File storage of data storage

This week the company has nothing to do, nothing to do! I went over the basics of data storage again. The effect of writing is that the first time you input data on editText, when you destroy it and save it, then when you come in the second time, you read the previous data and display it! Go to the code directly. There ...

Added by koughman on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:10:04 +0300

Android Studio obfuscation packaging and common third-party dependent obfuscation configuration

First, enable obfuscation in build.gradle, that is, minifyEnabled true. My build.gradle is as follows: def releaseTime() { return new Date().format("yyyy.MM.dd", TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) } android { .... buildTypes { release { // confusion minifyEnabled true ...

Added by happyness on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 13:51:59 +0300