Android Camera development series: adjust Camera preview direction

Sometimes we want to adjust the preview direction of Camera according to our own needs. Which API can we call to achieve our goal? Let's take a look at some cute photos taken in the following picture, which are taken in normal direction, 180 degree rotation and 90 degree rotation.          (normal ...

Added by dean7 on Tue, 25 Feb 2020 16:18:25 +0200

The transition animation PageTransitionsTheme in fluent

Animated scenes Transition animation is the animation when switching routes There are several ways to do this Inherit PageRoute, copy 5 abstract methods and abstract buildtransition Inherit existing system classes, such as MaterialPageRoute or CupertinoPageRoute Once and for all, use the pagetransit ...

Added by m00ch0 on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 15:51:39 +0200

netty socket simple realization customer service chat function detailed explanation (including Android client, java client, Java background program)

According to the previous article: Write the corresponding details according to the corresponding functions. 1. The client and server communicate with the background server (java background) respectively 1.1 communication between client (An ...

Added by Pjack125 on Sat, 22 Feb 2020 09:10:39 +0200

ionic4 notes UI components, colors, buttons, icons, etc

1. Built in colors in ionic4.x primary secondary tertiary success warning danger dark medium light Only one color needs to be remembered, such as success, because it can be found in the project Use of color: directly add color to the label, enter i-color to enter the drop-down prompt, you can ...

Added by fordyh on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:04:15 +0200

Free at home?Look at EventBus parsing and write EventBus with me

Preface Originally notified to resume work this Monday, it seemed that things were not simple, and it was postponed to next week's 1, but I still had to work from home for some time. Yesterday, some fans asked me why I didn't change my mind. Yesterday, I went to the company in batches for an afternoon meeting. All the people in batches had mas ...

Added by tipjones on Wed, 19 Feb 2020 04:28:06 +0200

Introduction to the event flow of video call conference on Android platform

Range adopt Interpretation of RFC4575 protocol In this paper, we understand that the conference status information is notified to the mobile terminal through the NOTIFY message, usually in the format of xml. Chip manufacturers have implemented this part of functions when providing the source code. Thi ...

Added by Stille on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 10:17:22 +0200

Installing appium in Mac environment for App UI automation test

Dependent environment: java ✗ java -version java version "1.8.0_111" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode) python $python --version Python 3.6.4 node.js $node -v v10.6.0 If not, install with the following command: $brew install node and ...

Added by gwh on Sat, 15 Feb 2020 21:15:00 +0200

Source code modification of Camera proactive image

Recently, I met a customer's demand that when I was taking a pre shot, I didn't need a mirror preview, and I didn't need a mirror image for the photos I took. For koppelin, the reason for the front image is to let the lens face itself. When the mirror is used, it is specially designed in this way. Since ...

Added by Jin597 on Fri, 14 Feb 2020 17:39:15 +0200

Flutter and Native communication MethodChannel

flutter can communicate with native to help us use the capabilities provided by native. Communication is bi-directional. We can call dart code from native layer and native code from fluent layer. We need to use Platform Channels APIs for communication, mainly including the following three types: Me ...

Added by sullyman on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 14:07:23 +0200

Is there an easy way to add borders at the top and bottom of Android View?

I have a TextView that I want to add black borders along its top and bottom borders. I try to put android:drawableTop and android:drawableBottom into textview, but this will only cause the whole view to turn black. <TextView android:background="@android:color/green" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wra ...

Added by prem on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 07:52:35 +0200