Java parses Android manifest file to obtain package name entry point permission and other information

Java parses the Android manifest file tool class. Input the XML file path to get the APK package name, entry Activity, all permission lists and Activity lists. Function Description: xmlHandle() XML parsing entry method, parsing permission and activity list findPackage() Resolve package name information findLau ...

Added by IceHawk on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 14:30:36 +0200

5.2.1 dynamic registration and monitoring network change

There are two ways to register for broadcast: Dynamic registration: registering in code Static registration: register in Android manifest.xml Idea: create a new class, let it inherit the BroadcastReceiver, and override the onReceiver() method of the parent class. When a broadcast arrives, the onReceive() method will be execu ...

Added by lapith on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 12:28:55 +0200

Android: weight, margin, padding

Title Map weight detailed explanation weight is an attribute used to divide regions equally. Case code dashucoding <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:id="@+id/LinearLayout" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_h ...

Added by GroundZeroStudio on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 06:33:02 +0200

Android prompt dialog lightweight prompt box, loading, success, failure, warning, etc

Android-PromptDialog Project address: limxing/Android-PromptDialog  Introduction: lightweight prompt box, loading, success, failure, warning, etc., as well as dialog box, non composite frame, customized ImageView implementation, thank you star Prompt box - loading - dialog box - bottom option box - Homepage advertisement- P ...

Added by twigletmac on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 01:58:42 +0200

Android notes: Android devices get public IP

Today, I have a friend who wants to get the current ip of Android phone connected to the network and ask me how to do it. I think it's not easy. Tell him to judge the network environment first. If WiFi can be obtained through WiFi manager, if it is traffic (2G, 3G or 4G network), get getHostAddress() through NetworkInterface tr ...

Added by jossejf on Wed, 01 Jan 2020 20:06:40 +0200

Using hrtimer analog pwm to realize the effect of breathing lamp under Quanzhi Android

Recently, in an A33 Android 4.4 project, we met a customer's request to use gpio to simulate the effect of breathing lights. We all know that Linux has task scheduling, so I tried to use misc device to provide ioctl interface, and did logic processing in HAL layer. The result is not ideal, and there will be a flashing effect wh ...

Added by max_power on Wed, 01 Jan 2020 18:26:32 +0200

Kotlin uses TextView to load Html tags (with Web picture links in the tags)

I have been engaged in Android development for some time. I used to develop in native or mixed mode. Recently, I came across a relatively new development mode, and I used Kotlin for App development. Let's get to know Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of android native application, Web application and hybrid application , ...

Added by LiamOReilly on Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:12:06 +0200

iOS internationalization using Android xml file to oc multilingual file

Multiple languages need to be added to the project. Android character files are all put in. xml, which is well organized. iOS only needs to convert xml files into OC string files to use Using Python 3 to write a script, you can modify the xml file and OC file, and then automatically read and write the xml file to OC file Thi ...

Added by Whetto on Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:02:17 +0200

A simple way to realize Android bottom navigation RadioGroup+Fragment

Please indicate: Bottom navigation bar radiogroup + fragemt 1. First, create a new selector file in drawable, right-click new - > drawable resource file in drawable, and create a text color selector [u text] and four other picture selectors [u home] drawable, selector [u phone] drawab ...

Added by kanika on Wed, 01 Jan 2020 08:11:53 +0200

Android Development - Android Studio - front end introduction picture

Android Development - Android Studio - front end introduction picture 1. Create a new Activity named ImageViewActivity 2. Set the button in activity main.xml to 3. Declare ImageViewActivity in MainActivity and set click event. package com.example.ayb.helloworld; import android.content.Intent; import ...

Added by Crazy Horse on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 18:06:26 +0200