Mybatis Delayed Loading

MyBatis Delayed Loading I. The Meaning of Delayed Loading Delayed loading in MyBatis, also known as lazy loading, refers to delaying the select ion query of the associated objects according to the set delay rules when querying the tables. For exa ...

Added by ina on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 17:21:03 +0300

JDK Command Line Tool for JVM Tuning Foreplay - jstack

The command line of JDK is certainly one of the most familiar commands for general developers, such as java,javac,javap. However, there are many other command line tools under jdk/bin that are used to monitor the status of the JVM when it is running. Here's a detailed explanation of several commonly used tools and how to use them. jstack jstack ...

Added by no_maam on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 08:08:01 +0300

11. kafka Management Client Interface

Preface Usually, we are used to using script tools under bin directory in Kafka to manage and view Kafka, but sometimes we need to integrate some functions of management and view into the system (such as Kafka Manager), so we need to call some API s to operate Kafka directly. Before Kafka version 0.11 ...

Added by rnewman on Tue, 13 Aug 2019 10:32:55 +0300

Spring Cloud Learning Tutorial: One Hour a Day - So easy

Next, in the last section, this article focuses on solving another component of Spring Cloud, ribbon, to implement Loading Balance on the client side. There are two main ways for ribbon to implement LB: ribbon restTemplate and feign. One: ribbon restTemplate 1: The service registry Eureka has been built ...

Added by cage on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 09:35:42 +0300

Detailed configuration and alarm of nagios

I. Demand The update speed of Nagios is very fast. The company adopts the latest stable version nagios-4.0.8 and the plug-in is nagios-plugins-2.0.3. After using and testing the new version, it is found that the speed and alarm speed are much faster than before. Moreover, it occupies little operati ...

Added by sparkie624 on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 11:24:50 +0300

tomcat Log Details 1 tomcat log details 1.1 tomcat log configuration file The configuration file of tomcat corresponding to the log: / conf/ under the tomcat directory. tomcat's log level includes: SEVERE (highest level) > WARNING > INFO > CONFIG > FINE > FINER (elaborate) ...

Added by ngoweb on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 05:43:31 +0300

mybatis framework learning-traditional dao layer development

Preface mybatis officially recommends using the mapper proxy method to develop the mapper interface. Programmers do not need to write mapper interface implementation classes. When using the mapper proxy method, the input parameters can use pojo wrapper object or map object to ensure the universality of dao. Traditional dao layer development ...

Added by xzilla on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 21:52:01 +0300

MyBatis - MyBatis realizes adding, deleting, modifying and checking

MyBatis - MyBatis realizes adding, deleting, modifying and checking 1. Create a database2. Create the following structure for the Maven project, remember to mark the java and resources directories as resource directories3. Guide, configure pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <proje ...

Added by lampquest on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 11:21:18 +0300

Marco's Java

Preface In the previous section, we have constructed the MVC framework of Shiro+SMM integrated Maven project, so this section is to inject "soul" into it, so that the program can run smoothly. Let's continue to follow my thinking.~ SMM and Shiro Integrated Profile Form 14: Importing config ...

Added by polandsprings on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:38:23 +0300

4 IDEA Environment Application

Chapter 4 IDEA Environmental Applications The spark shell only uses a lot when testing and validating our programs. In production environments, programs are usually written in the IDE, then packaged into jar packages and submitted to the cluster. The most common use is to create a Maven project that uses Maven to manage the dependencies of j ...

Added by amal.barman on Sat, 03 Aug 2019 21:40:25 +0300