TypeScript basic syntax

Quick start This document is prepared for the current JS development colleagues to quickly adapt to TS development. Therefore, some commonly used grammar rules are listed to improve the efficiency of development. Learning TS mainly includes the following modules: directory structure To generate a directory w ...

Added by rick007 on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:38:25 +0300

Vue inserts content into components

There are two ways to insert content into a component Drawback Sub components     demo using slot points to insert content into components   Vue.component('Parent',{ template:` <!--Back quotes are better than Quotes--> <div> <p>hello</p> <slot></slot> <!--If ...

Added by idweb on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 01:37:00 +0300

61 Three.js create THREE.Points from advanced geometry

As you can remember, the. Points renders each particle based on the vertices of the geometry. That is to say, we provide a complex geometry (such as a torus or a tube), and we can create a THREE.Points object based on the vertices of the geometry. As shown in the figure above, each vertex used to generate the torus is a particl ...

Added by Sanoz0r on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 15:03:26 +0300

The last question in the front of the headline

Title: Title Source: link Train of thought: Optimize DOM binding events with time delegation mechanism, instead of binding events for each new li. Note that after deleting nodes on the DOM, you also need to delete them synchronously in the data. Fuzzy matching uses the match method of regular objects and strings. The onkey ...

Added by ChrisF79 on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 14:33:28 +0300

Go back to CSS (6)

Using CSS to style lists Use background image as bullet Generally speaking, do not use the list style image attribute. Use background. Different browsers have different parsing for the previous attributes, and it is not easy to control the location of this image. Create vertical and horizontal navigation bars Horizont ...

Added by Mark W on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 12:51:07 +0300

Python learning notes (9) Python tuples and dictionaries (1)

Python tuple Tuple is a Python object type, tuple is also a sequence Tuples in Python are similar to lists, except that the elements of tuples cannot be modified Tuples use parentheses, lists use square brackets Tuples are created by adding elements in parentheses separated by commas 1 >>> a = 123,"aaa",["python","pass"] 2 >>&gt ...

Added by pixelsoul on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 11:34:35 +0300

angularjs custom directive

order This paper describes the instruction related knowledge points of angularjs, which is an "outdated" framework. It is only for learning reference. Please understand if there is any mistake. Instruction call mode Letter style Example E element <app-hello></app-hello> A attribute ...

Added by oberwil on Wed, 01 Apr 2020 02:50:04 +0300

Vuex tutorial case: counter and list presentation

In this case, github: https://github.com/axel10/Vuex_demo-Counter-and-list In this tutorial, two examples, counter and list, are used to explain the simple use of Vuex. The process from installation to starting the initial page is skipped directly. Note that routing is required during installation. First, create a new store directory and corres ...

Added by brooky on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 23:49:42 +0300

Example of cocos official website

Take a look at the official website and the documents. It's interesting to see cocos JS and think that you can copy an example to play with. Although the bottom doesn't know what to do, at best, it's the feeling of writing a configuration file. http://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/zh/getting-started/quick-start.html Complete the first game ac ...

Added by geny on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:43:03 +0300

Jquay review summary

   1 optional combination of selectors, mixed use <span style="font-size:14px;color:#006600;"></span>   // Multiple selectors are separated by spaces or specified symbols to match the elements represented by the last selector that has a specified relationship with the former $("#uid span"); // Select al ...

Added by ryanlwh on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:12:33 +0300