Spring Chapter 17 circular dependency

1. Circular dependency resolution in the case of prototype Bean First of all, Spring will not scan prototype beans in the scanning phase. These prototype beans will be created only when called. List several scenarios for prototype beans to briefly describe: (1) Suppose there are two objects, class A and class B, and both are defined as pro ...

Added by sid on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 17:21:31 +0200

Analysis of the core key knowledge of C + + inheritance and polymorphism

I inherit The essence of inheritance is to reuse the data members and methods of the base class  The essence of encapsulation is to expose only the necessary use interfaces to the outside world. The internal specific implementation details and some core interfaces are invisible to the outside world, hide the details, and only open the nec ...

Added by PRodgers4284 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 16:15:06 +0200

c + + inheritance (basic)

catalogue 1. Basic concept and definition of inheritance 1.1 basic concept of inheritance 1.2 definition of succession 2. Assignment conversion of base class and derived class objects 3. Scope in inheritance  4. Default member function of derived class 4.1 calling order of constructor destructor of base class derived class ...

Added by oliverw92 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:30:37 +0200

Fundamentals and exercises of Python functions

Function basis 1. Define function 1. What is a function concept A function is the encapsulation of the code that implements a specific function - > a function corresponds to a function (the function stored in the function) Classification (by who created the function) System functions - there are functions that have been created in Py ...

Added by jibosh on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 14:30:50 +0200

Grouping and aggregation using Java streams

When we group the elements in the list, we can then aggregate the fields of the grouped elements to perform meaningful operations to help us analyze the data. Some examples are addition, average, or maximum / minimum. Aggregation of these individual fields can be easily done using Java Streams and Collectors. This document provides simple examp ...

Added by ndorfnz on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 14:08:00 +0200

[Flask backend] record a cross domain experience of sadness

For the first time, the Python back-end interface was sent to the front-end after the Postman test. The front-end worked for a long time and said it was a cross domain problem. I wondered why the web page didn't work when Postman could pass. Was there a problem with the front-end code? The front-end boss explained that the Postman test could no ...

Added by tonbah on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 13:43:40 +0200

[original] python language to achieve semi-automatic scheduling system

Implementation of semi-automatic scheduling system with python language 0. Why do you want to make this software? I believe that all dalaos engaged in personnel, especially store managers in store sales, should have experienced the pain of scheduling. It can be said that it is a mechanical, time-consuming and laborious work to collect the ...

Added by BDKR on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:52:27 +0200

C language series - Section 8 - Practical debugging skills

1. What is a bug? The moth that was found to cause a computer error for the first time is also the first computer program error. 2. What is debugging? How important is it? Everything that happens must have traces to follow. If there is a clear conscience, there is no need to cover up and there are no signs. If there is a guilty consc ...

Added by vponz on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:23:09 +0200

6. Handle exceptions in a unified way and record logs in a unified way using the idea of AOP

#Unified exception handling SpringBoot has a unified method of handling exceptions To put the exception under a specific path, you only need to put the error page under templates/error. The name of the error page should be consistent with the error type code When the corresponding type error occurs, springboot will automatically jum ...

Added by ialsoagree on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:49:47 +0200

Operating system experiment (process scheduling)

1, Experimental purpose   1.1 understand the concepts of process control block and process queue.   1.2 master the processing logic of process priority scheduling algorithm and time slice rotation scheduling algorithm. 2, Experimental content    2.1 design the structure of process control block PCB, which is applica ...

Added by graham on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 04:39:17 +0200