2022-03-05 application of symbol table (blacklist, whitelist, CSV file, construction of symbol table, construction of query index symbol table, construction of file query index symbol table)

Symbol table Symbol table is set and map. In c + +, there are map and set based on red black tree and unordered based on hash function_ map,unordered_set. The symbol table used in this code is my own implementation, according to the implementation method of algorithm 4. Blacklist The blacklist is to filter out what is on the list and ...

Added by jofield on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 09:54:29 +0200

Heap of data structure (priority queue) c++

Heap of data structure (priority queue) c++ What is a pile? Heap (priority queue) is a "special" queue. The order in which elements are taken out is based on the priority (keyword) size of elements, not the order in which elements enter the queue. The heap can be regarded as a complete binary tree. You can use either a linked list o ...

Added by journy101 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:19:16 +0200

The principle of pre order, middle order, post order and hierarchical traversal of binary tree and its C + + code implementation

Binary tree is the simplest tree structure, which is usually composed of root node, left subtree and right subtree. The common binary tree consists of balanced binary tree, binary search tree and so on. Next, the author will focus on the principle and code implementation of pre order, middle order, post order and hierarchical traversal of ordin ...

Added by crondeau on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:02:02 +0200

[classes and objects] initialization list, friends, static members, internal classes

Hello, bald men. Today, let's continue to talk about classes and objects Key points of this chapter Initialization listFriendsstatic memberInner classUnderstand encapsulation again Let's talk about constructors After studying the first two chapters [classes and objects], let's take a look at the structure Constructor body assignment ...

Added by incubi on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 07:32:39 +0200

Daily practice (31): turn the word order

title: daily practice (31): flip the word ordercategories: [sword finger offer]tags: [practice every day]date: 2022/03/05Daily practice (31): turn the word orderInput an English sentence and flip the order of words in the sentence, but the order of characters in the word remains the same. For simplicity, punctuation is treated like ordinary let ...

Added by skymanj on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 07:20:02 +0200

227-C + + dynamic programming

1. Dynamic planning The dynamic programming algorithm is similar to the divide and conquer method. Its basic idea is to decompose the problem to be solved into several sub problems. First solve the sub problems, and then get the solution of the original problem from the solutions of these sub problems. Different from the divide and conquer met ...

Added by The_Walrus on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 05:13:10 +0200

Handwritten VIO Chapter II IMU sensor from scratch

Chapter II IMU sensor Course Code: https://github.com/kahowang/Visual_Internal_Odometry/tree/main/%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E7%AB%A0%20IMU%E4%BC%A0%E6%84%9F%E5%99%A8/homework_chapter2 Reference blog: Homework 2 of handwriting VIO from scratch of dark blue College Using imu_utils tool generates the Allan variance calibration curve of IMU Error an ...

Added by jogisarge on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:54:40 +0200

C++---stack & queue & adapter mode & priority queue & imitation function

catalogue 1, Container adapter 1. What is an adapter? 2, Introduction and use of stack and queue 1. Introduction to stack 2. Use of stack 3. Introduction to queue 4. Use of queue 3, deque's brief introduction (understanding) 1. Principle of deque 2. Defects of deque 4, Simulation of stack and queue 1. Simulation Implementation of st ...

Added by jasonhardwick on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 22:03:33 +0200

C language - file operation

What are the files in C language The so-called file is a collection of data stored in external media (such as. TXT. BMP. Jpg. Exe. Rmvp, etc.). These files have their own purposes. We usually store them on disk or removable media. Three elements of a file: file path, file name and suffix. Predefined standard flow: stdin is a FILE * type exp ...

Added by cap2cap10 on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:10:06 +0200

Principle and implementation of Linux native asynchronous IO (Native AIO)

Video analysis related to linux server development: Principle and implementation of asynchronous for linux server performance optimization redis, memcached, nginx c/c++ linux server development free learning address: Senior architect of c/c++ linux background server What is asynchronous IO? Asynchronous IO: when the application initiates a ...

Added by snday on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 18:18:52 +0200