Installation and configuration of Ubuntu firewall

Ubuntu Install UFW firewall sudo apt-get install ufw For general users, only the following settings are required: sudo apt-get install ufw sudo ufw enable sudo ufw default deny The above three commands are safe enough. If you need to open some services, you can use sudo ufw allow. Enable sudo ufw enable sudo ufw default deny #Aft ...

Added by konn on Fri, 10 Jul 2020 19:12:17 +0300

CentOS 7.0 Firewall On/Off

CentOS 7.0 uses firewall as a firewall by default and uses systemctl to manage services and programs, including service and chkconfig 1. View the default firewall status (not running when turned off, running when turned on) [root@localhost ~]# firewall-cmd --state not running 2. Check the status of the firewall [ro ...

Added by kabucek on Fri, 03 Jul 2020 19:18:49 +0300

Fastdfs_5.08 + nginx_14.0 cluster deployment

Fastdfs_5.08 + nginx_14.0 cluster deployment Server planning: 1, All tracker and storage nodes should execute: 2, Configure tracker server 3, Configure storage server 4, File upload test (ip01) 5, Install fastdfs nginx module on all storage nodes 6, Verify: access files uploaded during test through ...

Added by knucklehead on Thu, 11 Jun 2020 07:13:58 +0300

A concise guide to firewall D on Linux

Firewall D is the front-end controller of iptables, which is used to implement persistent network traffic rules. It provides command line and graphical interfaces, which are available in the repositories of most Linux distributions. There are two main differences between using firewall D and controlling iptables directly: Firewall D uses zone ...

Added by 01706 on Thu, 28 May 2020 07:10:56 +0300

How to deal with the problem that the cloud server cannot access the database remotely after it is installed

Today, my colleague said that a new cloud server is installed, and it is normal to log in Using ssh, but the above service port of Dayun database cannot be accessed. Using netstat ANP to view the port is normal to listen, and the listening address is also allowed to be accessed by any ip And the firewall and iptables are both closed I was also ...

Added by Maskeeper on Sun, 24 May 2020 15:00:06 +0300

linux open source mailbox server building

1. Install Postfix yum -y install postfix After installation, you need to replace the sendmail that comes with the system: rpm -e sendmail perhaps yum remove sendmail Modify MTA (default mail transfer agent) alternatives --config mta and enter directly. 2. Install Dovecot (post office forwarding) yum -y i ...

Added by bongbong on Wed, 20 May 2020 18:04:50 +0300

4-4. DNSmasq Construction Manual

I. Dns DNSmasq is a small and convenient tool for configuring DNS and DHCP, which is suitable for small networks. It provides DNS function and optional DHCP function. It serves domain names that are only applicable locally, and these domain names will not appear in DNS servers around the world. DHCP server combines with DNS server, and allows ...

Added by verlen on Wed, 06 May 2020 03:49:13 +0300

Configure SQL Server 2019 AG in Azure CentOS VM-

Preceding text Assume you have basic knowledge of Azure and SQL Server HA Assume you have basic knowledge of Azure Cli The goal is to create an availability group with three replicas on Azure Linux VM and implement listener and Fencing configuration Environmental Science SQL Server 2019 Developer on Linux Azure VM Fencing agent Azure Cli imp ...

Added by Trey395 on Wed, 29 Apr 2020 12:50:01 +0300

linux builds DNS server 3

1. For the installation of bind 9, it is assumed that bind 9 has been installed through apt get 2. Enter the directory / etc/bind 3. Create a zone record file (similar to Here I create 4. Edit the named.conf.default-zones file and add the following: zone "" {           type master ...

Added by jack_wetson on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:08:01 +0300

How to install Elasticsearch on CentOS 8

This article was first published in: Elasticsearch is an open source full-text search and analysis engine.It supports RESTful operations and allows you to store, search, and analyze large amounts of data in real time.Elasticsearch is one of the most popular search engines ...

Added by NiXXeD on Sat, 28 Mar 2020 11:35:17 +0200