python - piecemeal learning - flash - Introduction to making web pages 1

1. Introduction to flash Flash can be used for web development Install as pip install flask 2. Brief description of flash 1. Print helloworld on the page app=Flask is in fixed mode @app. The route ('/') decorator generates the main web page and executes the following functions of the decorator runs and starts the service fr ...

Added by kdoggy on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 02:16:17 +0200

Operating system simulation experiment

To get straight to the point, this article shares with you a code developed by me, which mainly realizes several small experiments of online simulation operating system. It can be said to be an online simulation platform (project files can be downloaded by myself when they are transmitted to resources, and I can also get private stamps) Projec ...

Added by bpopp on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 19:51:39 +0200

Flash + gunicorn enables web services to call Python/pytorch programs concurrently to solve the problem of multithreading / multiprocessing

Flash + gunicorn enables web services to call Python / Python programs concurrently to solve the problem of multithreading / multiprocessing Project scenario: Project requirements: forward the client's request to the flash program instance via the Web server and call the python / Python program. Problem Description: since the flame framework ...

Added by Vijay.Bansode on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 16:30:22 +0200

III Flask database [flask Sqlalchemy]

I database 1. Foundation 1.1 download Format: PIP install flask Sqlalchemy 1.2 integrated configuration app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI']='mysql://root:root@' app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False Special: import pymysql is required to import mysql; pymysql. install_ as_ MySQLdb() 1.3 instantiation ...

Added by acabrera on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 02:14:25 +0200

[produced by Xinghai] Introduction to Flask

Falsk micro framework By default, Flask does not contain a database abstraction layer, form validation, or other things that existing libraries can handle. However, Flask adds these functions to the application by extending. Flask will always provide a very simple and excellent glue layer, just like the python language. You can freely use S ...

Added by ArcAiN6 on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:24:45 +0200

Python falsk get form data (front-end data)

This article will explain to you a form data acquisition written by Falsk - data acquisition preparation: python3.7.3falsk2.0.1 (latest version) 1, request method Request is an object, whether Python or other, although the name of the object request may be different (it may be called HttpRequest in other languages). When the client browser ...

Added by wild_dog on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 12:04:02 +0200

Learn flash login user session management of flash

Flash login user controls user session management. In short, it controls login. If you write your own login system, you usually operate the session, and then the background judges the permissions according to the session. Flask login is responsible for this part. Start directly install pip install flask-login Import LoginManager from flask ...

Added by tisource on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:54:10 +0200

Flask framework - Restful, PostMan tools

1.Restful Restful API is a set of specifications used to communicate between the front end and the background. It can provide web services for all clients through a unified interface, realize the separation of front and back ends, and save development time. The restful API is provided by the background, that is, SERVER, and called by the front ...

Added by claire on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:47:17 +0200

Falsk source code analysis: application startup process

2. Flash source code analysis: application startup process WSGI All python web frameworks follow the WSGI protocol Here is a brief review of the core concepts of WSGI. There is a very important concept in WSGI: every python web Application is a callable object. In flask, this object is app = flask (_name_) The created app is the green Appli ...

Added by zhaohongli on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 06:49:00 +0200

[news recommendation system] (task4) front and rear end interaction

*** (1) The last part of task4 is the front-end and back-end interaction part. The first two parts are the front-end Foundation (including html, css, JavaScript and vue Foundation) and the web back-end server flash framework. Now you can learn the front-end and back-end interaction process. (2) Around the news page list, popular recommendation ...

Added by quetz67 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 01:01:52 +0200