One hour online, develop a SMS micro service with flash

preface Flash is a lightweight Web framework developed by Python. How lightweight is it? A Web service can be developed within 10 lines, but it can only be used for demonstration. Today, I will spend one hour to develop a SMS micro service for production environment. The following service code is directly available in the production environmen ...

Added by Assorro on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 08:03:30 +0200

[Python] flash memory horse learning

preface I always wanted to learn something before, but I kept cooing. I finally chose to learn the flash memory horse one night when I got stuck in the process of configuring vscode to debug the underlying C code of PHP. It was also very interesting. Pre knowledge Request context The ssti of simple flash definitely needs to know. I won't me ...

Added by thecookie on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 20:23:02 +0300

Flash apscheduler timed running api interface

1. Introduction to apscheduler APScheduler is a python library that allows you to schedule Python code to be executed later. It is a set of task scheduling framework that can be used as a scheduled task controller to add and delete tasks. If jobs are stored in the database, they will also continue to run and maintain their state after the ...

Added by j7n5u on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 09:25:01 +0300

Flask uses itsdangerous to generate tokens

Flask uses itsdangerous to generate tokens itsdangerous example (venv)$python shell >>> from manage import app >>> from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer >>> s = Serializer(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], expires_in = 3600) >>> token = s.dumps({ 'confirm': 23 }) >>& ...

Added by AcousticJames on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 05:01:47 +0300

Flask backend note request, bort, response, session, hook

Get request parameters from flask import request It is the request object in Flask that represents the current request. The request object stores all the information of an HTTP request. python2 String type str "utf-8" "gbk" unicode a = "China" # str a = u"China" # unicode Common errors: ASCII cannot decode \xxx\xx Soluti ...

Added by dodgeqwe on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 09:11:47 +0300

-day11 -- function advanced

day11 function advanced Objective: to master function related fallibility & a necessary skill for project development. Summary: Supplement of parametersFunction name, what is the function name?Distinguish between return value and print.Scope of function 1. Supplement of parameters Advanced functions can make the code more concise and i ...

Added by alfpalafox on Tue, 19 Oct 2021 03:20:45 +0300

Flash quick start 1

1, What is a Web framework? A piece of code has been encapsulated to assist the rapid development of the program, which is equivalent to the semi-finished product of the projectDevelopers only need to write their own business logic code at the specified location according to the requirements of the framework agreement For example, there are t ...

Added by mdnghtblue on Sat, 16 Oct 2021 00:20:19 +0300

The whole process of configuring uwsgi nginx by django

Django Nginx+uwsgi installation configuration We use python runserver to run the server. This applies only in the test environment. For officially released services, we need a stable and sustainable server, such as apache, Nginx, lighttpd, etc. This article will take Nginx as an example. uwsgi introduction When it comes to uwsgi, I ...

Added by anoesis on Sat, 02 Oct 2021 20:44:11 +0300

python project directory structure

Item 1 README It needs to explain the following: Software positioning, basic functions of software.Method of running code: installation environment, startup command, etc.Brief instructions for use.Description of code directory structure, which can explain the basic principle of software in more detail.Description of frequently asked qu ...

Added by pvechi on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 08:44:01 +0300

43. Module from import

One from... import 1.1 from... import from ... import ... Use examples of. from meet import name, read1 print(name) read1() ''' Execution results: from the Taibai Venus meet Module: Guo Baoyuan ''' 1.2 comparison between from... Import... And import The only difference is that using from... Import... Is to import the names in spa ...

Added by warewolfe on Mon, 27 Sep 2021 01:05:11 +0300