Dart series: using numbers and strings in dart

brief introduction The easiest way to become familiar with a language is to become familiar with the various core libraries provided by dart. Dart provides us with several common libraries, including dart:core,dart:async,dart:math,dart:convert,dart:html and dart:io. Today, let's introduce the use of numbers and strings in dart:core. numb ...

Added by FadeOut79 on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:14:08 +0200

Flutter developed Baidu map, stepping on countless pits and nanny level tutorials

Recently, I've been developing Baidu map with fluent. I've stepped on countless pits. It can be said that I've stepped on all the pits I can step on. I hereby record my bitter experience. The project described below is configured for Android, but ios is not configured. Development environment: sdk: "> = 2.12.0 < 3.0.0" Android S ...

Added by jraede on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 08:40:03 +0200

Flutter updates the installation package in the App and tears the interviewer by hand

3. With local version For information comparison, select whether to display the update pop-up window. We use event\_bus trigger if (localVersion == remoteVersion) return;eventManager.eventBus.fire(new UpdateAppEvent(versionInfo)); 4. When upgrading the version, pay attention to the difference Android And IOS (1) IOS to update app ...

Added by Archangel915 on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 10:35:25 +0200

Fluent version control tool ` FVM`

hello everyone. I am nuts, my official account, "nuts front end". Today, let's introduce the flutter version control tool FVM FVM switches the Flutter version of VSCode With the release of flutter 2.5.0, I believe many students are excited and trembling hands. They want to try a wave quickly and be a crab eater. I was also in ...

Added by aznkidzx on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 02:30:23 +0200

Flutter learning notes -- classes in Dart

catalogue 1. Basic syntax of class 2. Class inheritance and overloading 3. Abstract classes and enumerations 4. Implementation interface 5. Methods in dart         1. Construction method         2. Static method 3. Optional parameter method 4.getter and setter methods 5. Anonymous function ...

Added by ptbsG_Man on Sun, 03 Oct 2021 20:20:19 +0300

The ListView of fluent can automatically slide to the bottom

Usage scenario In common social apps, after sending messages or receiving messages from others, the message list will automatically slide to the bottom. We don't need to slide manually. This is a good user experience. thinking ListView uses ScrollController to control sliding, including jumpTo and animateTo2 methods to slide to the speci ...

Added by gottes_tod on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 18:23:33 +0300

Fluent multi selection project plug-in

original text https://medium.com/flutterdevs/explore-multi-select-items-in-flutter-a90665e17be reference resources https://pub.dev/packages/multi_select_item text The fluent widget is built using a modern framework. It's like a reaction. Here, we start with widgets to create any application. Each component in the screen is a widge ...

Added by GrexP on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 06:35:17 +0300

Flutter-Performance optimization: Picture placeholders, pre-caching and disable navigation transition animation, byte hopping social recruitment interview records

The following GIF diagram shows the layout jump without a picture placeholder: See the full example in DartPad If you have cached a picture placeholder in your app, you can use FadeInImage Widgets to display placeholders.If you want to use a widget instead of a picture as a placeholder, you can use Image.frameBuilder&nbs ...

Added by piznac on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 03:38:23 +0300