Understand BuildContext in the article "fluent"

summary [BuildContext] objects are actually [Element] objects. The [BuildContext] ,interface is used to discourage direct manipulation of [Element] objects. The translation means that the [BuildContext] object is actually a [Element] object. The [BuildContext] interface is used to prevent direct manipulation of [Element] objects. According t ...

Added by superhoops on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 05:10:37 +0200

Fluent - Ali P7 tells me the ultimate screen adaptation scheme!!!

I believe that every mobile developer can't avoid this problem, that is, screen adaptation At present, there are many mobile devices, and the mobile screen of different devices is also different. At present, mobile terminal development should be adapted to different devices, whether it is mobile native development, applet, H5 page. So in thi ...

Added by mathewvp on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 20:46:45 +0200

Fluent utils is the most complete tool class in the whole network

FlutterUtils Directory introduction 01. Event notification tool class02. Color tools03. Date conversion tools04.File tool class05.Sql database tool class06.Json conversion tools07.Log printing tools08. Screen parameter tools09.Sp lightweight storage tools10. Auxiliary computing tools11. Encryption and decryption tools12.Num format processing ...

Added by michaelfn on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 07:50:30 +0200

Audio and video 7 - rtmp use of Android hard coded push to rtmp server

Audio and video development route: android audio and video development getting started guide_ Jhuster's column technology blog_ 51CTO blog_ Introduction to android audio and video development demo address: RTMPDemo I RTMP usage process The api calling sequence of rtmp protocol is as follows: II Initialize RTMP and connect to the serve ...

Added by HeyRay2 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 11:04:44 +0200

Flutter learning - Implementation of flutter plug-in (flutter calls Android native)

Original address: Flutter learning (9) -- implementation of flutter plug-in (flutter calls Android native) | small nest of stars one Recently, we need to add apk integrity detection to a Flutter project. We need to get the md5 value of the currently installed apk. Because it cannot be implemented in Flutter, we need to call the native Android ...

Added by munuindra on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 20:50:44 +0200

Flutter-UI-Basic Control

I always feel that I am not writing technology, but mood, one by one tutorials are traces of my way. Success with expertise is the most reproducible. I hope that my path will allow you to make fewer detours. I hope that I can help you erase the dust of knowledge. I hope that I can help you clear the vein of knowledge. I hope you will also have ...

Added by Onle on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 11:31:41 +0200

The adaptation process of the previous life and the present life of the Flutter launch page

The APP startup page is the most common and necessary scenario in China. The startup page is a mandatory requirement on iOS. In fact, configuring the startup page is very simple, because in fluent, you only need:iOS configuration launchscreen storyboard;Configure windows background for Android;Generally, as long as the configuration is correct ...

Added by GYK on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 09:05:14 +0200

Disobedient Container

prefaceBefore reading this article, let's review whether we often encounter the following problems in the development of fluent:The Container has an invalid width height settingColumn overflow boundary, Row overflow boundaryWhen should I use ConstrainedBox and UnconstrainedBoxWhenever I encounter this kind of problem, I always keep trying, and ...

Added by w1ww on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 14:41:41 +0200

Air safety of the Flutter series

I Into the air safety What is empty security Since Flutter 2, Flutter has enabled null security by default in the configuration. By incorporating null checking into the type system, these errors can be caught during development, so as to prevent crashes caused by the reproduction environment. Benefits of introducing empty security You ...

Added by andrew_U on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 00:10:04 +0200

Native Android project access to fluent AAR

1, Environment constructionFirst, developers need to build a good development environment according to the construction process of native Android and iOS. Then, go Flutter official website Download the latest SDK, and then unzip it to the user-defined directory. If there is a download problem, you can use the temporary image officially built by ...

Added by fandelem on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:23:14 +0200