Number Running TextView

For reprinting, please indicate the source: Introduction to NumberRunning TextView Number Running TextView is a TextView with its own digital scrolling animation. By using setContent(String str) method, the corresponding amount of digital string (such as "1354.00") or digital ...

Added by mickeyunderscore on Tue, 09 Jul 2019 01:17:49 +0300

The perfect match between GreenDao and ReactiveX

For reprinting, please indicate the source:    As an Android developer, you must not be unfamiliar with Green Dao and ReactiveX. GreenDao Android's fastest relational database ReactiveX Rx is a programming model that aims to provide a consistent programming interface to help developers handle a ...

Added by RON_ron on Tue, 09 Jul 2019 00:32:52 +0300

RxJava 1.x from introduction to abandonment to RxJava 2.x (2)

Preface RxJava 1.x from entry to abandonment to RxJava 2.x (1) This article explains the simplest introduction, and in this section we will learn about RxJava thread scheduling together. text In the beginning of the last article, RxJava was used to handle asynchronous tasks. But by default, subscribe() is invoked in which thread we produce ...

Added by RickyF on Sat, 06 Jul 2019 23:36:13 +0300

Integration and Use of jpush-react-native Plug-ins in Android Papers

Preface At present, although React Native updates faster, and various components provide a very comprehensive, but in some cases, hybrid development will quickly shorten the development cycle, the reason is that the "foundation" of the original platform is undoubtedly deeper, with many and rich types of third-party support libraries. ...

Added by CookieDoh on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 23:38:09 +0300

Componentization using ARouter

ARouter is an open source project on github by Ali. The address is: ARouter This article does not focus on sharing the use of ARouter, but on sharing how ARouter is decomposed.For detailed use, you can see the documentation and ask questions in groups.On how to write a route for componentization, I recommend reading an article from my colleague ...

Added by angelkay73 on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 20:14:06 +0300

Android 6.0 Quick Request for Rights (more elegant based on RxJava2)

1. Preface Preface?Where is so much nonsense? Get straight to the point! 2. Rights to apply for Cough and cough, before we get to the topic, let's first know which permissions need to be applied for manually after Android 6.0. If you take the right medicine, it's the kingdom! group:android.permission-group.CONTACTS (Mobile Contact Rela ...

Added by mm00 on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 19:48:03 +0300

Efficient use of Recycler View with BRVAH

Learning objectives Familiar with BRVAH for adapter requirements Summary BRVAH It's a great open source project on Github. Its main function is to help us use Recyclerview control more efficiently and to deal with the Adapter of common requirements in the project. It's very convenient to use. More introduction can be given. BRVAH of ...

Added by stolzyboy on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 02:11:12 +0300

Picasso Basic Use and Source Complete Resolution of Android Picture Loading Framework

Write before Originally intended to update a blog every week, while recording the state of life for a week, but a little busy work will not take into account the blog. Miserable Or to mention the recent situation, in the last two weeks has been receiving the company's application billing point, Wo store, silver shells, Wechat, etc., and then is ...

Added by icyfire624 on Wed, 26 Jun 2019 21:45:32 +0300

Implementation of File Server Based on MongoDB and Spring Boot

MongoDB is a product between relational database and non-relational database, which has the most abundant functions and resembles relational database. It aims to provide a scalable and high-performance data storage solution for WEB applications. It supports a very loose data structure, is similar to JSON BSON format, so it can store more comple ...

Added by azul85 on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 01:26:02 +0300

Say goodbye to onActivityResult and use proxy to implement Rx to get the result of startActivityForResult

Respect for other people's work results, reprinted please indicate the source: This article is from: [gengqiquan's blog] I haven't blogged for more than a month. It's really a lot of things recently. Yesterday, when review ing the company's project code, I found that the onActivityResu ...

Added by MikeL on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 00:07:04 +0300