ConcurrentHashMap of thread safety class

1. Overview As shown in the figure, thread safe collection classes can be divided into three categories Legacy thread safe collections such as Hashtable and Vector Thread safe Collections decorated with Collections, such as: Collections.synchronizedCollection Collections.synchronizedList Collections.synchronizedMap Collecti ...

Added by RobM on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 13:53:02 +0200

Analysis of the underlying mechanism and source code of HashMap

Analysis of the underlying mechanism and source code of HashMap 1. Schematic diagram: 1. < K, V > is to use HashMap$Node to realize map Entry<K,V>. 2. The bottom layer of HashMap is JDK7 0 is implemented in [array + list]. jdk8. After 0, it will be realized by [array + list + red black tree]. When the list reaches a certain leng ...

Added by naitsir on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:24:31 +0200

Common API obfuscation methods and handling methods of malicious code

Many articles can't be updated to CSDN, and can be concerned about my official account number (programmer sailing). 1. Summary When analyzing malicious code, we often encounter the situation that there is no import function in the import table when statically Analyzing Malicious Code. This situation is usually that malicious code confused t ...

Added by wgordonw1 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:53:37 +0200

During the interview, I was asked what to do with the HashMap of fluent / dart?

preface I believe many students were asked about HashMap during the interview, especially Java/Android programmers. HashMap is almost bound to be mentioned. Because there are too many points to dig. HashMap about Java can be seen everywhere on the Internet. Naturally, with the popularity of fluent, you may also be asked about the HashMap of fl ...

Added by xyzleft on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 19:02:03 +0200

HashMap source code analysis

  public V put(K key, V value) { return putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, true); } static final int hash(Object key) { int h; //The final hash value is obtained by performing or calculating the high and low bits of the hash value of the key return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h &gt ...

Added by Salis on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:04:35 +0200

Override hashcode and equals methods

One. preface We all know that to compare whether two objects are equal, we need to call the equals() method of the object, that is, to judge whether the object address pointed to by the object reference is equal. When the object address is equal, the object handle, object header, object instance data and object type data related to the object ...

Added by ProXy_ on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 01:18:27 +0200

Why use LinkedHashMap in LruCache? Is HashMap OK?

Recently, a friend is preparing for an interview. We will discuss some interview questions in the group. Every time I will be hit hard, and I can't answer many questions. In normal development, Google and third parties use it very smoothly, which seems to solve the problem. In retrospect, there is no progress in technology. For example, I know ...

Added by BlackenedSky on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 12:01:57 +0200

How much do you know about ConcurrentHashMap?

brief introduction ConcurrentHashMap is a frequently used data structure, which provides better write concurrency on the basis of thread safety. ConcurrentHashMap is very different from Map. volatile and CAS are widely used internally to reduce lock competition. Of course, the code is much more difficult to understand than HashMap. This chapte ...

Added by shortysbest on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 01:24:41 +0200

Analysis of Java collection List and Map

Collection classes are stored in Java There are three main types of util package: set, list and map Collection: collection is the most basic interface of collection List, Set and QueueMap: is the basic interface of the mapping table 1, Collection List is an ordered Collection. List has three implementation classes: ArrayList, Vecto ...

Added by louisA2A on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 17:59:59 +0200

1600. Order of succession to the throne - daily question

1, Title   in a kingdom lived the king, his children, his grandchildren and so on. At every point in time, someone in the family is born and someone dies.   this kingdom has a clearly defined order of succession to the throne, and the first heir is always the king himself. We define the recursive function success (x, curorder). Give ...

Added by joebarker99 on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:30:43 +0200