Detailed explanation of common background attributes

Detailed explanation of common background attributes background-color Sets the background color for the element valuedescribecolor_nameSpecifies that the color value is the background color of the color name (such as red).hex_numberSpecifies the background color whose color value is a hexadecimal value (for example #ff0000).rgb_numberTh ...

Added by sitorush on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:00:02 +0200

JavaScript advanced object

1. Object classification in javascript 1. Custom object 2. Built in objects 3. DOM object 4. BOM object 1. Custom object Self created objects are custom objects When we need an object, but javascript does not provide it, we need to define the object we need by ourselves There are two basic ways to create custom objects 1. Create an object ...

Added by Danny620 on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 16:46:30 +0200

The first time the car starts in 2021, the fleet fair is officially open source, and more than 2 years of experience is a must

Design and thinking of fluent dynamic framework Fair Flutter dynamic framework Fair Document launch & open source countdown Fair is a Dart oriented framework. Although JavaScript is the "best language" in the world, we still choose Dart oriented rather than JS. There are two considerations: The framework community based on J ...

Added by richardk1 on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:04:53 +0200

Developing sqllite public method with uni app (h5 using sqllite for synchronous and asynchronous problems)

Basic information of the project Using uni app development, the client selects sqllite for local data storage Uni app reference address Uni app official website ( sqllite reference address HTML5+ API Reference ( Solutions to asynchronous Asynchronously executed code generally has callbacks. Create your own callbac ...

Added by Toboe on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 11:51:18 +0200

JavaScript realizes text overflow and automatically reduces the font to N lines to adapt to the container

orderWhen a page needs to switch between different languages, the text length of the same sentence copy and different languages is difficult to be consistent. Sometimes, the unrestricted line feed display of the text will affect the whole page layout. Therefore, some methods need to be used to ensure that the layout of the text container is not ...

Added by sgiandhu on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 06:11:28 +0200

JavaScript canvas (canvas) simple practice of getting to know and scraping cards

JavaScript canvas (canvas), scratch card making, Sketchpad 1, First acquaintance with canvas The emergence of canvas element can be said to open the door of drawing animation and graphics in the Web world. Its function is very powerful. Canvas element is the most powerful element in HTML5. Its ability is mainly expressed through the Contex ...

Added by Eclesiastes on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 07:50:40 +0200

jQuery event binding and unbinding

Today is an overview of the event!! 1, jQuery event registration 2, jQuery event handling 1. Event handling on() binding event 2. Event handling off() unbinding event 3. Event handling trigger() automatically triggers events 3, Today's summary 1, jQuery event registration JQuery provides us with a convenient event registration mech ...

Added by Arab Prince on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:14:16 +0200

3 properties and 14 methods of JavaScript array

attributeconstructor: returns a reference to the array function that created this object.The constructor property returns a reference to the array function that created this objectvar test=new Array(); if (test.constructor==Array) { document.write("This is an Array"); } if (test.constructor==Boolean) { document.write("This is a Boolean"); } if ...

Added by digitalecartoons on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 06:56:08 +0200

JavaScript WebGL draws a line

Introduction next WebGL basic concepts , do a simple example of drawing a straight line. Mainly refer to the following two articles: Draw a point Draw triangle Origin My GitHub Draw a line I won't explain each function in detail below. I prefer to have a sense of the overall logic first, and then check the data as needed during actual ...

Added by svan_rv on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 13:19:34 +0200

Template literal type of TypeScript

The official documents of TypeScript have already been updated, but the Chinese documents I can find are still in the older version. Therefore, some newly added and revised chapters are translated and sorted out.This translation is compiled from "TypeScript Handbook" Template Literal Types "Chapter.This article is not translated ...

Added by selsdon on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 02:50:43 +0200