[Minecraft java edition module development]: make a snowball monster by analyzing the source code of magma monster and snow puppet

Zero. What is an entity   Entity includes all dynamic and moving objects in Minecraft. For example, monsters, zombies, skeletons, ships and harvesters in the game, blocks affected by gravity, such as falling sand anvil, etc.   what we're going to add today is a snowball monster. It has the same splitting ability as the magma monster ...

Added by Danestar on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 07:42:09 +0200

Three methods of creating multithreading in Java

catalogue 1, Inherit the Thread class and override the run method 1. Prepare an ordinary student class 2. The student class inherits the Thread interface and overrides the run method 3. Generate two student threads in the Main method and start 4. Output results 2, Implement Runnable interface 1. Prepare an ordinary student class 2. Im ...

Added by five on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 06:34:39 +0200

Why doesn't Spring Boot need to install additional Tomcat?

When I first came into contact with Spring Boot, most children should be as curious as me: Why doesn't Spring Boot need to install additional Tomcat? Why on earth? Let's start today's journey with curiosity. open Previous section We built the tobebeter javaer project and found POM XML file, you can see a parent attribute in it. The code ...

Added by svgk01 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 05:15:43 +0200

Java learning -- day10_ Introduction to packaging classes, enumerations and exceptions

Java learning - day10_ Introduction to packaging classes, enumerations and exceptions Packaging Packaging class is a layer of packaging based on basic data types. A pair is maintained inside each wrapper class The attribute of the corresponding basic data type is used to store and manage the data of a basic data type. Wrapper class is a refe ...

Added by enemeth on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 21:19:59 +0200

Java programming experiment class II and object

1, Experiment purpose and requirements 1. Experimental purpose Master how to use classes to create and encapsulate objects;Master how to define and construct a class;Master method overload and polymorphism;Master the combination of objects and the method of parameter value transfer;Understand and master the differences between class varia ...

Added by Roberto on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:47:54 +0200

Array of java basic syntax (including bubble sorting)

catalogue array Definition of array: One dimensional array Array creation: Suggestions for use: Array access: Array length Traversal of array: Two dimensional array Traversal of two-dimensional array: Arrays and methods Common problems in using arrays Memory partitioning in Java 1 stack memory 2. Heap memory: 3. Method area: ...

Added by dervaish on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 06:35:18 +0200

git local installation and configuration & & integrate idea & & integrate github

The most detailed installation tutorial in history The above tutorials are for extended learning. In fact, they can be installed completely by default; We explain the configuration process in detail Configure git environment: git config --global config: the parameter is used to configure the git environmentglobal: long command means to confi ...

Added by skyxmen on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 00:28:04 +0200

First knowledge of Spring framework (with case source code) < 2 >

Get started Spring 1. Write a Hello entity class public class Hello { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public void show(){ System.out.println("Hello,"+ name ); } } 2. Write the Spring file, which is nam ...

Added by ckk on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 01:46:42 +0200

Mybatis self study note sharing (many to one and one to many processing)

Continued → 7. Many to one processing Many to one understanding: Multiple students correspond to one teacher For students, it is a many to one phenomenon, that is, a teacher is associated with students! Database design CREATE TABLE `teacher` ( `id` INT(10) NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=I ...

Added by bfuzze_98 on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 16:10:55 +0200

Mybatis connection pool and transaction control

1 Mybatis connection pool In Mybatis's sqlmapconfig XML configuration file to configure the connection pool in Mybatis Generally, POOLED data source is used The data source configuration is in sqlmapconfig In the XML file, the specific configuration is as follows: <!-- Configure data source (connection pool) information --> <dataSo ...

Added by FloridaNutz on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 12:20:22 +0200