WPS Usage Summary

authorcontenttimeJJWPS related issues20220110 WPS windows system (A6 project suggests ActiveX, IE+360 compatibility mode) 1. Load wps control html(word) <div id="app" style="height:100%;width:100%" v-cloak> <div id="wps" style="height:100%;width:100%" ></div> </div> js var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', ...

Added by isurgeon on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 03:15:20 +0200

[JavaScript Weekly #570] rethink ternary operators

🥳 Welcome interested partners to do something meaningful together!I launched a weekly translation program, Warehouse address,Access address There is still a shortage of like-minded partners. They are purely personal interests. Of course, they will also help to improve English and front-end skills. Requirements: English is not too bad, githu ...

Added by IceRegent on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 17:11:52 +0200

The front end is standardized and team level solutions are implemented

prefaceThis paper mainly talks about the problems and solutions encountered in front-end development, including coding specification and git commit specification.Focus on the implementation of front-end team coding standards. Follow me step by step, and you will be able to implement the norms.Q: do you want to develop coding specifications? Do ...

Added by pococool on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 17:09:14 +0200

vue Proxy data proxy for verification part of source code analysis

initProxy In addition to preparing for building a responsive system, the idea of data interception can also filter data. Let's look down at the initialization code. After merging options, vue will set a layer of agent for vm instances, which can filter data for vue during template rendering Vue.prototype._init = function(options) { // Opt ...

Added by tomkure on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 12:24:50 +0200

Front end to improve code quality -- Design Pattern

Premise: when you initiate a project merger request, you are often called back for modification. The reason is that there are too many low-quality codes. You have thought about it before writing the code, but you have realized the requirements, but the degree of thinking is too superficial. Now you plan to summarize the design model of the code ...

Added by bg on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 11:38:14 +0200

Jquery+Css+Html enables front-end verification of login user and password and user login

Jquery+Css+Html enables front-end verification of login user and password and user login preface Application scenario: the login of any program can be realized, and the front-end verification of user name, password memory, or mobile phone number, email and other information can be verified. Tip: the following is the main content of ...

Added by ysu on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:05:02 +0200

Making dynamic focus map page

Level 1: style design of dynamic focus map page Task description This task: complete the style design of dynamic focus map page. Relevant knowledge In order to complete this level task, you need to master: 1 Box model style settings, 2 Element positioning 3 Special characters greater than and less than, 4 Transparency settings, 5 In line el ...

Added by cdxrevvved on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 06:25:19 +0200

Handwritten Promise (native Promise analysis V -- encapsulated by resolve, reject and other methods)

Preface: before that, we have successively encapsulated Promise, then and all, and explained the mechanism and packaging process. Now, we will go through the remaining simpler methods. 1. race() This method is similar to the all method. The passed in parameter is also an array composed of Promise, but its result analysis is relatively simple. ...

Added by ghostrider1337 on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:53:35 +0200

JS iterators and generators

1, Iterator In JavaScript, an iterator is an object that defines a sequence and may return a return value when terminated. More specifically, the iterator is implemented by using the {next() method Iterator protocol The method returns an object with two attributes: value, which is the next value in the sequence; And {done, which is} true if it ...

Added by laide234 on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 22:57:09 +0200

js create object

1. What is an object? Objects are an unordered collection of related attributes and methods, that is, a collection of stored data. Objects are made up of attributes and methods. 2. Three ways of defining objects 2.1 Literal Quantity Definition Object The data units inside the object are stored as key names: key values or attribut ...

Added by kreoton on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 19:59:03 +0200