Module hot replacement

1. Configuration structure dependency   Directory structure diagram   package. Dependencies in JSON "devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "^7.15.0", "@babel/polyfill": "^7.12.1", "@babel/preset-env": "^7.15.0", "babel-loader": "^8.2.2", "clean-webpack-plugin": "^4.0.0-alpha.0", "core-js": "^3.16.4", "css-loa ...

Added by harmclan on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 19:04:37 +0200

Explain the Object object of JavaScript

1, What is Object?Object is a data type of JavaScript. It is used to store various key value collections and more complex entities. Almost all objects are instances of object type, and they will be imported from object Prototype inherits properties and methods, although most properties will be shadowed or overridden.An object is a collection of ...

Added by webmasternovis on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 16:46:57 +0200

computed learning notes

In the official documents, the two most important differences between calculated and method are emphasized computed is a property call and methods is a function callcomputed has a caching function, but methods is not Calculated properties are cached based on their dependencies and will be re evaluated only when their related dependencies chang ...

Added by sansoo on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:45:10 +0200

Basic summary of web apis

Basic summary of web apis Author: Participants Basic summary of web apis preface 1, Web API introduction 1. Concept of API API is an interface. It is simply understood that it provides programmers with tools to complete certain functions Generally speaking, if you want to charge your mobile phone, you need a charging interface, 2. Concep ...

Added by miasma on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 14:31:24 +0200

QT integrated cef10 JavaScript and C + + intermodulation

Why do we use CEF? In many cases, it is to realize the mutual call between JavaScript and native C + +. That is, when JavaScript in the web page is called, it triggers the execution of local C + + code, such as accessing hardware and other functions that JavaScript cannot complete. The local C + + code can also call back JavaScript. For example ...

Added by dsartain on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:31:14 +0200

Detailed explanation of asynchronous Promise and async / wait

1, Why async / wait? We all know that Promise solution is available. Why should ES7 propose a new async / wait standard? In fact, the answer is also obvious: Promise has jumped out of the strange circle of asynchronous nesting and expressed more clearly in chain. However, we also found that if there are a large number of asynchronous requests ...

Added by Pyrite on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 12:37:25 +0200

Usage of Let and Const in JavaScript

Use of Let and Const ES2015(ES6) adds two important JavaScript Keywords: let and const. Let declared variables are only valid in the code block where the let command is located. const declares a read-only constant. Once declared, the value of the constant cannot be changed. 1. let command The let command has the following features: (1) Valid ...

Added by nonaguy on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:39:12 +0200

In 2021, major companies in the front end took those handwritten questions (with code)

🎄 preface This article mainly summarizes the handwritten questions in 2021, which are from the front end of the year and the autumn entrance examination. The topic comes from the front end of Niu Kwai network. The statistical time is from the beginning of March to the end of October. The 15 companies came from Ali, Tencent, Baidu, bytes, USA ...

Added by InfiniteA on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:35:28 +0200

Using decorators in vue

1. What is a decorator Decorator is a class related syntax sugar used to wrap or modify the behavior of classes or class methods. In fact, decorator is an implementation of decorator pattern in design pattern 2. Scene Take an example In the process of writing bug s in daily development, we often use anti shake and throttling, such as the fol ...

Added by 990805 on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 09:59:59 +0200

Ten classical sorting algorithms (dynamic graph demonstration)

Algorithm overview Algorithm classification Ten common sorting algorithms can be divided into two categories: Comparison sort: the relative order between elements is determined by comparison. Because its time complexity cannot exceed O(nlogn), it is also called nonlinear time comparison sort.Non comparison sort: it does not determine the rel ...

Added by eroticheretic on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 08:42:51 +0200