$tools, methods, jQuery properties and CSS

1, What exactly is the $symbol? $is the attribute defined for the window object in jQuery $and jQuery can be interchanged when used. In fact, it is a function, which comes from the jQuery library jQuery and $are used as an attribute of window             window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;             ...

Added by traffic on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 17:48:49 +0200

JS of front-end three piece set -- JavaScript built-in method

1,Number 1-1 properties MAX_VALUE JS is the largest number that can be representedMIN_VALUE JS is the smallest number that can be represented 1-2 method toFixed(length) specifies the decimal of the reserved lengthtoExponential() is represented by scientific countingtoPrecision(length) requires the number to display integer + decimal acc ...

Added by cty on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 14:28:18 +0200

ES6 --- structural assignment of variables

1, Deconstruction assignment of array ES6 allows you to extract values from arrays and objects according to a certain pattern and assign values to variables, which is called structure. Previously, assigning values to variables can only be assigned directly; let a =1;let b =2;let c=3; In ES6, it can be written as: let [a,b,c] = [1,2,3]; You c ...

Added by caedo on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 14:06:30 +0200

JS algorithm exercise 3.10

Derivation of ring linked list -- the starting point of locating ring Method 1: record the existing nodes of the flag encountered for the first time function detectCycle(head) { while (head) { if (head.flag) return head; else { head.flag = true; head = head.next; } } return null; } ...

Added by Risingstar on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 13:35:54 +0200

js syntax and data type

preface This film starts to consolidate the basic knowledge of JavaScript from scratch. Before learning, it gulps down all kinds of problems in the later projects and learning; Starting from this note, slow down and understand JavaScript well, so as to lay a solid foundation for promotion and salary increase in the future. 1, Annotation Ther ...

Added by goa103 on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 12:37:37 +0200

Understanding of CommonJS, AMD and CMD modular programming

1,commonJS principle The fundamental reason why the browser is not compatible with CommonJS is the lack of four nodes JS environment variables. module exports require global As long as these four variables can be provided, the browser can load the CommonJS module. Here is a simple example. var module = { exports: {} }; (function(module, ex ...

Added by Talguy on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 09:43:36 +0200

Sentry construction process (front-end vue access)

1, Background & & roleAbnormal monitoring systemCollection exceptionCollect log information; Interface duration informationTimely warning; Send mailDisplay statisticsHigh cost of code review; Sometimes only syntax or code style problems can be found; There is not much time for deep reading of logical business problemsCompatibility probl ...

Added by DarrenReeder on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 05:45:20 +0200

After three minutes

background Before introducing Hooks, let's first talk about the creation methods of React components. One is class components and the other is pure function components. Moreover, the React team hopes that the components will not become complex containers, and it is better to just be the pipeline of data flow. Developers can combine pipelin ...

Added by mystrymaster on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 03:06:47 +0200

javascript advanced programming (Fourth Edition) lazy reading: Chapter 3

(46 - Chapter III 20218 + a1043) grammar Case sensitive ECMAScript is case sensitive. identifier An identifier is the name of a variable, function, property, or function parameter. An identifier consists of one or more of the following characters: The first character must be a letter, underscore () Or dollar sign ($);The remainin ...

Added by yes3no2 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 20:24:43 +0200

Follow the react project (to P57)

The backend API interface is in this file, and the request path is known by the backend definition List of fixed contents for each column (antd) About render parameters Later, I'll verify these three parameters myself, and I don't know the difference between text and record. text and record are identical. console.log(text === record ...

Added by Xeoncross on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:50:51 +0200