MySQL 8.0.17 Implementation Plan

1. SQL execution process 1.1 Internal execution of SQL statements MySQL is divided into Server layer and Storage Engine layer. Server layer includes connectors, analyzers, optimizers, executors and so on, while storage engine layer is responsible for data storage and reading.When SQL is executed, connections are established and privileges are o ...

Added by RandomEngy on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 06:47:34 +0300

Source Analysis RocketMQ Message Track

This article follows RocketMQ Message Track Design Thought, from the following three aspects to interpret its source code: Send Message Track Message Track Format Storing message track data This program catalog 1. Send Message Track Flow 1.1 DefaultMQProducer constructor 1.2 SendMessageTraceHookIm ...

Added by Lyleyboy on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 05:07:26 +0300

A simple and easy C++JSON library is highly recommended

_We strongly recommend a simple and easy-to-use C++JSON library, CJsonObject, to make using json as convenient as using C++ native structure. CJsonObject It's an excellent C++ JSON library, probably the simplest C++ JSON library you've ever seen.The open source address for CJsonObject is and ...

Added by ayok on Sat, 03 Aug 2019 07:45:46 +0300

Publish a wxh-tools for your own npm package

Work is often repeated to write some methods, organized and hosted to In GitHub Warehouse ,Build an npm package, each time used, download and package into a file on demand, easy to use;<!--more--> Project address NPM address:;GITHUB:; Tool screenshots: Project ...

Added by Nicholas on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 12:14:44 +0300

spring cloud gateway intercepts request Body

When accessing Spring-Cloud-Gateway, there may be a need to cache Json-Body or Form-Urlencoded data. Because Spring-Cloud-Gateway is a responsive architecture design based on WebFlux, traditional programming ideas are not suitable for the development of Reactor Stream in the process of migrating from Zuul. There are many caching cases on the n ...

Added by Hagaroo on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 18:04:07 +0300

Embedding Web Browser Visual Page in WPF

No matter what kind of C/S technology, it is very cumbersome to involve data visualization. Of course, there must be some gods. They are only for most people or through web pages. Sometimes they don't want to separate the two functions. It's usually the customer's reason. So we plan to embed Web Browser in WPF and then use E-Browser. Charts com ...

Added by thinfile on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:20:17 +0300

Spring Security OAuth2 requests to carry client information verification, custom exception return, no right to handle, token failure handling

Above address: Spring Security OAuth 2 (1) (password,authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials) gets token The last blog wrote a simple token authentication server of OAuth2, which only implements four ways to acquire token. It does not deal with exception handling, unauthorized handling, data integrity checking before token generatio ...

Added by pleisar on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 06:39:51 +0300

Wechat applet login, getPhoneNumber mobile phone number authorized login

The latest authorized login of Wechat applet The widget can get the user's phone number through getPhoneNumber, but getPhoneNumber must be bound to the button component. Details Official Website: Wechat applet to get mobile phone number How to realize page entry widget authorization login? Realizati ...

Added by nareshrevoori on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 23:11:54 +0300

PHP traverses folders and compresses downloads according to filtering results

Requirements: Files and folders under the specified path are filtered out and packaged for download. Note: The mvc structure of php can be downloaded by adding header header to the controller, but this method can not be used if the front-end Ajax request interface is used, because both json data and ...

Added by mattotto77 on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 22:45:42 +0300

Python - Multithread crawls all the heroic skins on the heroic Federation website and downloads them locally by name

Loving LOL, I finally got in touch with python~ This is my GitHub: Download source code The reptile is divided into three steps: 1. Analyse the links of skin pictures on official websites to find commonalities. 2. After step 1, get the id number and the name of each hero (the name is mainly used to cre ...

Added by njwan on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 10:33:18 +0300