The ingenuity of Android's SplashActivity
Why can't 80% of yard farmers be architects? >
As we all know, many of our applications will have a SplashActivity, which is use ...
Added by devsanctum on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 02:05:54 +0300
Writing a Configurable Web Information Extraction Component
Recent projects have a need to grab information from an old site and pour it into a new system. Because the old system has no one to maintain and the data is scattered, and the data to be extracted is more uniform on the web, it is planned to extract the data through the way of network request and analysis of the page. And at this ...
Added by jharbin on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 01:45:42 +0300
NOIP 2017 Pre-competition Simulation 7.24
According to the meaning of the three questions in this exam, they are all template questions, T1 monotonous queue template, T2 digital DP template, T3 line segment tree template. But because the first two templates are not familiar with each other, they dare not write in the exam, and the line segment tree is also written and exploded, and fi ...
Added by gonsman on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 23:35:15 +0300
Data Query in MongoDB
Preparing data
db.stu.insert({name:'Guo Jing',hometown:'Mongolia',age:20,gender:true})
db.stu.insert({name:'Huang Rong',hometown:'Taohua Island',age:18,gender:false})
db.stu.insert({name:'Yang Kang',hometown:'daikin',age:20,gender:true})
db.stu.insert({name:'Mu Nianchi',hometown:'Song',age:18,gender:false})
db.stu.insert({name:'evil east',h ...
Added by zeropaid on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 01:56:14 +0300
Write out 23 design patterns in one breath
Creative Patterns
1. Factory Model
An interface for creating objects is defined, but subclasses determine which class to instantiate. The factory method defers instantiation of the class bar to subclasses.
// Product Category
public interface IProduct {
public class ProductA1 implements IProduct{}
public class ProductA2 implements IProduct{}
Added by bbauder on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 01:54:14 +0300
Newbie Tutorial-Practice Example Answer I
Title: There are four numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4. How many different three digits can be composed without repeating numbers?What is each?
1 #coding=utf-8
3 from itertools import permutations
5 for i in permutations(range(1,5),3):
6 k = ''
7 for j in i:
8 k = k + str(j)
9 print int(k)
Title: Bonuses paid by enterprises are ...
Added by ajcrm125 on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 20:32:35 +0300
Teng Xun's Written Test Programming in Autumn 2017
Assuming that the encoding range of a code is 25 letters of a ~ y, encoding from one bit to four bits, if we sort the encoding in dictionary order, we can form an array as follows: a, aa, a aaa, aaab, aaac,... b, ba, baa, baaa, baab, baac... yyyw, yyyx, yyyy where Index of a is 0, Index of AA is 1, Index of AAA is 2, and so on. Wr ...
Added by meshi on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 01:50:12 +0300
Java thread pool (Executor Service) uses
I. Prerequisites
* The thread runs demo, and the runtime types out the thread id and the parameters in the incoming thread
public class ThreadRunner implements Runnable {
private final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
* Thread private property, created when creating threads
Added by rcoursey on Sun, 09 Jun 2019 01:28:25 +0300
Massive Data, Smlar-Aliyun RDS PosgreSQL Best Practice
PostgreSQL, Heming Distance, Smlar, GiST Index
Application of SimHash
Through the above steps, we can use SimHash algorithm to generate a vector fingerprint for each web page, so the question arises, how to judge the similarity of two texts?
This is mainly applied to Heming di ...
Added by knashash on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 04:38:33 +0300
Web pack development and production environment configuration
The author started using webpack last year, and the first contact came from vue-cli. At that time, the main focus of work was also the use of vue. Little was known about the configuration of webpack. During that time, some questions were also asked about Daniel @Lv Dabao. By the way, for children's shoes with confused front-end knowledg ...
Added by think-digitally on Sat, 08 Jun 2019 03:47:45 +0300