YOLO: Real-time Object Detection System
Original title: YOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionEnglish text: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/...
Highly recommended (TED video): https://www.ted.com/talks/jos...
You only look once (YOLO) is the most advanced real-time object detection system at present.On a Titan X, it can process 40-90 frames per second in real time, with accuracy as high as ...
Added by rpearson on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 20:15:29 +0300
10 Minutes Quick Start Redis
Redis installation
Reprint: https://github.com/jaywcjlove/handbook
Official Compilation and Installation
$ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-4.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf redis-4.0.0.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
$ cd /usr/local/redis-4.0.0
$ make
$ make test
$ make install
# The program will execute automatically:
# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin ...
Added by ashmo on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 03:13:41 +0300
The Wechat applet implements a table that can edit cells
A recently developed small program mentions the need for an editable table, fixed columns to add rows, and the need to change the content of any cell.
Page layout
The main body of the table is simulated by flex layout. tr and td are used to represent rows and cells, respectively. Because there is more to show, scroll-view is used to ma ...
Added by Gregghawes on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 01:12:25 +0300
Python White Loop Statement
Python While Loop Statement
In Python programming, the while statement is used to execute a program in a loop, that is to say, under certain conditions, a program is executed in a loop to deal with the same tasks that need to be processed repeatedly. Its basic form is:
The while judgment condition:
Execution statement...
Execution ...
Added by jogisarge on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:29:48 +0300
BZOJ1588 Luogu 2234 HNOI2002 turnover statistics
Topic Description
Tiger was recently promoted to business manager. After taking office, his first task was to count and analyze the business situation of the company since its establishment.
Tiger took out the company's books, which recorded the company's daily turnover since its inception. Analyzing the business situation is a rather compli ...
Added by LarsLai on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:20:43 +0300
Introduction to JAVA 8 (II) Stream
1. Simple use
Last time, we talked about the new API stream of JAVA 8. If we have such a need, we need to pick out the name of the top three calorie dishes with less than 1000 calories in the recipe.
If we use the traditional way of writing JAVA 7, we should write as follows:
public List<String> findDish(List<Dish> menu){
Added by somedude on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 23:36:13 +0300
Day30 - JS Implementing Hamster Play
This article is from: Chunge Personal Blog: http://www.liyuechun.org
Author: extension Li Yuechun - A Time-chasing Man
Introduction: JavaScript30 yes Wes Bos A 30-day challenge to launch. The project provides 30 video tutorials, 30 challenge start documents and 30 challenge solution source code free of charge. The goal is to help peop ...
Added by robert_gsfame on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 21:09:53 +0300
Technical Analysis of Hystrix Fuse-Hystrix Circuit Breaker
Introduction of Circuit Breaker
Fuse, there is a good analogy in real life, that is, a safe box will be installed in the home circuit, when the current is too high, the fuse in the safe box will automatically break, to protect all kinds of electrical appliances and circuits in the home. Circuit Breaker in Hystrix also plays such a role. Hystrix ...
Added by bseven on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 02:43:21 +0300
Use of Two Modes of Famous Pipeline
Interprocess Communication (IPC) refers to the dissemination or exchange of information between different processes.The main ways are pipes (including nameless pipes, advanced pipes and named pipes), message queues, semaphores, shared memory, sockets, etc. Socket can be used for inter-process communication on different hosts.The main pu ...
Added by Ascendancy on Mon, 03 Jun 2019 02:30:11 +0300
Java Decorator Mode
The decorator and the decorated have a common superclass. The purpose of inheritance is to inherit the type, not the behavior.
Decoration mode is to dynamically extend the function of an object without changing the original file and using inheritance. It wraps real objects by creating a wrapping object, that is, decoration. In fact, Java' ...
Added by lynxus on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 00:05:50 +0300