Data structure - linear table notes

Linear table Definition and characteristics of linear table A linear table is a finite sequence of data elements with the same characteristics. Linear list: an ordered sequence composed of n (n > = 0) data elements (nodes) a1,a1,... An. definition: 1. The number n of data elements is defined as the length of the table. 2. When n=0, it ...

Added by zrueda on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 06:36:54 +0200

Java double pointer technique

When we practice Java algorithm, we will inevitably encounter some problems. Using some skilled problem-solving methods is much better than not using them. This time, we mainly share the skills about double needles. Double pointers are generally divided into two categories: one is fast and slow pointers, and the other is left and right pointer ...

Added by Sweets287 on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 21:03:47 +0200

leetcode brush questions / daily questions 138 Copy linked list with random pointer

138. Copy linked list with random pointer Meaning: Give you a linked list with a length of n. each node contains an additional random pointer random, which can point to any node or empty node in the linked list. Construct a deep copy of this linked list. The deep copy should consist of exactly n new nodes, in which the value of each new ...

Added by MasumX on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 16:32:11 +0200

A solution to double linked list (0 basic view) (C language) data structure and algorithm

catalogue preface Lead two-way circular linked list 1. Concept 2. Effect display diagram 3. Interface implementation 3.01. The interface to be implemented in this article ​3.02. Implementation of double linked list 3.03. Initialization of double linked list 3.04. Print linked list 3.05. Dynamically apply for a node 3.06. Head ins ...

Added by tbaink2000 on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 12:29:43 +0200

Phonebook management

1. Preface In the study of C language, there is often a project to be completed, that is, the management of telephone book. After learning the basic content of playing C language, there is often no way to start in the face of so many project needs. This paper will complete the creation of telephone book step by step. This paper provides an ...

Added by lawnninja on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:16:25 +0200

Data structure - dynamic array

  catalogue 1 dynamic array 1.1 double ended stack 1.1.1 definition of double ended stack           1.1.2 arraydoubleendstack class 1.2 queue          1.2.1 definition of queue 1.2.2 definition of queue interface 1.2.3} ArrayQueue class 1.3 queue implementation stack 1.3.1 quetostack class 1.4 circular queue ArrayLoopQueue 1.4.1 de ...

Added by sheen.andola on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:01:33 +0200

Leetcode.1743. Why is it so fast to restore the HashMap value of the array from adjacent element pairs?

1, Leetccode1743 multiple processing methods On the third day, I found that the first question in the leetcode question bank was given randomly every day. Two simple questions were given to me two days ago. Today, I came directly to a medium question. Adhering to the ability to cultivate algorithmic thinking and independent thinking, I ...

Added by Wardy7 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:55:30 +0200

[link list of Leetcode notes] sword finger Offer 22 The penultimate node in the linked list

😈 Blog home page: 🐼 Hello, everyone. My name is classmate Zhang🐼 💖 Welcome to praise 👍 Collection 💗 Leaving a message. 📝 Welcome to discuss! 👀 🎵 This article was originally written by [Hello, my name is classmate Zhang] and started at CSDN 🌟🌟🌟 ✨ Boutique column (updated from time to time) [data structure + algorithm] [notes][C l ...

Added by barryman9000 on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 06:13:11 +0200

[tree] establish a binary tree stored in a binary linked list + traverse the binary tree (first order, middle order, second order, sequence)

Establish binary tree stored in binary linked list + traverse binary tree (first order, middle order, second order and sequence) 1. Establish a binary tree stored in a binary linked list 1-1. principle The construction of binary tree uses the principle of recursion. When building a binary tree according to the pre order sequence, in order to ...

Added by Poomerio on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 06:33:27 +0200

Single linked list of python

Pre question Q1 structure is required to implement single linked list in C language. How to implement it in python? Q2 what is the difference between process oriented and object-oriented implementation of a single linked list? Learning content 1. Define single linked list 2. Implementation of single linked list 3. Method of single linked l ...

Added by Avendium on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 12:53:14 +0200