Target Reflected Echo Detection Algorithms and Their Implementation on FPGA Part 3: Top-level Implementation of Square, Integral Circuits and Algorithms

Target Reflected Echo Detection Algorithms and Their Implementation on FPGA Part 3: Top-level Implementation of Square and Integral Circuits and Algorithms Some time ago, I came into contact with a project of sonar target echo detection. The core function of sonar receiver is to recognize the echo of the excitation signal emitted by the transmi ...

Added by headcutter on Sat, 18 May 2019 14:58:01 +0300

Learn Linux (10) ls commands every day

Reference material: [1]Learn Linux (8) Soft and Hard Links Every Day [2]Twenty practical examples of Linux ls commands The instructions we learn today are the most common of our instructions, ls. The instructions refer to the man manual. Sketch ls (LiSt directory contents) lists directory contents. format ls [optio ...

Added by forcom on Wed, 15 May 2019 00:50:39 +0300

cwt of continuous wavelet transform for matlab time-frequency analysis

cwt of continuous wavelet transform for matlab time-frequency analysis 1 Introduction to Wavelet Analysis 2 Basic Principles of Wavelet Analysis matlab implementation of 3 cwt Edge Effect and Impact Cone of 4 cwt Reconfiguration of 5 cwt-icwt 6 wsst to increase cwt resolution 1 Introduction to Wavelet Analysis Compared w ...

Added by kingconnections on Sun, 12 May 2019 12:13:00 +0300