Array index of Matlab

In MATLAB, there are three main methods to access array elements according to the position (index) of elements in the array: position index, linear index and logical index. Index by element position The most common method is to explicitly specify the index of the element. For example, to access an element in a matrix, specify the row and colu ...

Added by bfinucan on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 08:14:13 +0300

[Optimal Solution-Single Objective Solution] Solving single-objective problem matlab source code based on Archimedes algorithm

1. Introduction to Algorithms Archimedes optimization algorithm: a new metaheuristic algorithm for solving optimization problems The difficulty and complexity of numerical optimization problems are increasing in the real world, which requires effective optimization methods. To date, various metaheuristic methods have been introduced, but on ...

Added by pikemsu28 on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 21:00:22 +0300

Multi threshold image segmentation based on genetic algorithm

catalog 1. Summary 2. Introduction 3 Otsu threshold segmentation 3.1 classical Otsu method 3.2 Otsu method with multiple thresholds 3.3 multi threshold Otsu method 2 4 genetic algorithm design 4.1 individual code 4.2 mating operation 4.2.1 single location and single point crossing 4.2.2 mu ...

Added by tigomark on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 11:27:50 +0300

Robot hand-eye calibration Ax=xB (eye to hand and eye in hand) and plane nine-point calibration

1. Background Calibration is an everlasting pain for robot developers.Although the method was used decades ago, everyone who wants to use the camera has to go through a painful pit, without easily getting the good bag. In the application of robot vision, hand-eye calibration is a very basic and critic ...

Added by Joeker on Fri, 12 Jun 2020 05:02:44 +0300

Use the plot of Python to draw cool data visualization (including the introduction of various graphs, with code attached)

Preface The text and pictures of this article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, not for any commercial purpose. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling. Author: I was bitten by a dog When we talk about data visualization, we usually use matlab lib ...

Added by Avi on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 09:45:49 +0300

WRF input file parsing (incomplete)

Open the WRF input file, that is, the initial field file (. nc) with matlab. This paper introduces the contents of the WRF input file variables Times #time Size: 19x1 Dimensions: DateStrLen,Time Datatype: char ——>Times: time, si ...

Added by Neptunus Maris on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 11:00:27 +0200

ID Number Verification System Based on Visual Structure

ID Number Verification System Based on Visual Structure Abstract: This work is a universal ID number verification system. It has been tried to run on Linux and Windows systems, and the results are satisfactory.The system creates a highly compatible visual interface by using the base GUI library tkinte ...

Added by on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 04:58:02 +0200

MATLAB mathematical modeling: intelligent optimization algorithm genetic algorithm

genetic algorithm Genetic algorithm is an iterative optimization algorithm that simulates the evolution mechanism of natural organisms. By simulating the law of "survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest", it finds the most suitable solution among all possible solutions Article dire ...

Added by guidance on Thu, 06 Feb 2020 11:09:37 +0200

Wilcoxon's sign rank test

Wilcoxon's sign rank test It is suitable for paired comparison in T-test, but it doesn'T need to find that the difference between pairs of data obeys normal distribution, only requires symmetrical distribution. Verify that the difference between pairs of observations comes from a population with a mean of 0 (the population tha ...

Added by Keith Scott on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 10:36:52 +0200

Basic usage of Numpy

1. Create an array with Numpy numpy.array(object): to create an array, unlike array.array(typecode [, initializer]), array.array() can only create one-dimensional arrays Numpy.range (start, stop, step, dtype = none): create a one-dimensional array (step is the best integer) starting from start and ending at stop (excluding stop), with step as t ...

Added by shyonne2004 on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 23:23:20 +0200