Database: redis

1, Introduction to Redis    NoSQL (Not Only SQL), which means Not Only SQL, but also non relational database.   with the development of internet web2 With the rise of web2.0 website, the traditional relational database is dealing with web2.0 0 websites, especially the super large-scale and highly concurrent SNS type web2 0 ...

Added by witty on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 04:21:39 +0200

Dashboard – horizon installation (wallaby version allinone)

Dashboard – horizon installation This section describes how to install and configure a dashboard on a controller node. The only core service required for dashboards is identity services. You can use dashboards with other services, such as image services, computing, and networking. You can also use dashboards in environments with stand-a ...

Added by ToddAtWSU on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 03:05:26 +0200

REDIS10_Redission's entry case, multi master case building, locking and unlocking distributed locks, and underlying source code analysis

①. How to develop based on the official website ①. Enter the Chinese official website of redis and click document ②. Select distributed lock to open the page ③. Click Wiki ④. In the follow-up, you can refer to the documents about distributed locks ⑤. The concept of flying in the sky (RedLock) must be realized by landing (Redisson) ⑥. ...

Added by kellydigital on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:43:24 +0200

Detailed explanation of Redis basic functions

Distributed cache - detailed explanation of Redis basic functions 1. Preface After several years of development, the concept of cache should be familiar. Common cache components include redis, mongodb and memcached. This article briefly introduces the common usage scenarios of redis and the use of basic APIs. redis is a database based on key ...

Added by bugsuperstar37 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 06:28:49 +0200

KetamaHash code to achieve consistency hash (distributed routing algorithm) and principle analysis

KetamaHash code to achieve consistency hash (distributed routing algorithm) and principle analysis What is a consistent hash As a common distributed routing algorithm, consistent hash can well realize the load balancing of the server. When users request, they can hit different servers through the distributed routing algorithm, which can en ...

Added by phpnewby1918 on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 01:38:58 +0200

The difference between refreshAfterWrites and expireAfterWrite of Guava Cache LoadingCache

There are three ways to clean up or refresh cached data based on time: expireAfterAccess: when the cache item is not read or written within the specified time period, it will be recycled. expireAfterWrite: when the cache item is not updated within the specified time period, it will be recycled (remove the key) and will not be returned until a ...

Added by gtibok on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 04:58:34 +0300

2021-09-08-Nginx Note 1: Nginx Basic Configuration

Forward Proxy Server The server between the client and the target server. The client sends a request to the proxy and specifies the target server. Then the proxy requests and obtains the content from the target server and returns it to the client. In general, the proxy server is a forward proxy server.Core: Users know the target server the ...

Added by rileyrichter on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 08:12:56 +0300