In depth analysis of the source code of cloud + Spring + Rocket + spring

1, Introduction to RocketMQ architecture 1.1 logical deployment diagram (pictures from the Internet) 1.2 description of core components As can be seen from the above figure, RocketMQ's core components mainly include four, namely NameServer, Broker, Producer and Consumer. Let's briefly explain these four core components in turn: NameServe ...

Added by phpBuddy on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 05:28:36 +0200

Password encryption and microservice authentication JWT

Password encryption and microservice authentication JWT ##Learning objectives 1. When the user registers, the password of the user in the database is encrypted and stored (using spring security). 2. Use JWT authentication. 1, BCrypt password encryption Considering the security of any application, the password must not be saved in clear text ...

Added by pouncer on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 01:29:47 +0200

Actual combat of micro Service Architecture: business management background and SSO design, SSO client design

SSO client design Next, the implementation of SSO client security authentication is encapsulated through the module merchant security, so that each client application accessing SSO can refer to it. Project management configuration for security certification The project management of SSO client security authentication uses the following d ...

Added by plaggypig on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 09:04:39 +0200

Take you ten days to easily handle the Go micro service series

At the beginning of this article, we will publish a series of articles to show you a go zero micro service example in detail. The whole series is divided into ten articles, and the directory structure is as follows:Environment construction (this article)Service splittingUser servicesProduct serviceOrder servicePayment servicesRPC service Auth a ...

Added by robsgaming on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 05:26:15 +0200

gorilla/mux framework (RK boot): add tracing Middleware

introduceThrough a complete example, based on gorilla/mux Add tracing middleware to microservices.What is tracing middleware?The Tracing middleware will record the Tracing data for each API request, which can be viewed by users using tools like Jaeger.We will use rk-boot To start gorilla/mux Microservices.rk-boot Is a framework that can start a ...

Added by graham on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:42:41 +0200

Sentinel source code entry method analysis

Write in front In the previous chapter, we have analyzed how Sentinel makes SentinelResource annotation effective. One question is reserved. Each method annotated by SentinelResource will first call the following code in the surround notification entry = SphU.entry(resourceName, resourceType, entryType, pjp.getArgs()) , this article continu ...

Added by Drakla on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 15:42:45 +0200

"springcloud 2021 series" Spring Boot Admin is the simplest micro service application monitoring

Source address: Spring Boot Admin brief introduction SpringBoot applications can expose various indicators in the running process of the application through the activator. Spring Boot Admin monitors the SpringBoot application through these indicators, and then presents them ...

Added by cornick on Sun, 13 Feb 2022 06:09:04 +0200

"springcloud 2021 series" gateway new generation API gateway service

After the Netflix open source abortion, Spring is constantly replacing Netflix related components, such as Eureka, Zuul, Feign, Ribbon, etc. Zuul's alternative product is SpringCloud Gateway, which is a gateway component developed by the Spring team, which can realize new features such as security authentication, current limiting, Retry, and su ...

Added by jerdo on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 03:01:04 +0200

Microservices have everything from code to k8s deployment (III. authentication)

We will use a series to explain the complete practice of microservices from requirements to online, from code to k8s deployment, from logging to monitoring. The whole project uses the micro services developed by go zero, which basically includes go zero and some middleware developed by relevant go zero authors. The technology stack used is basi ...

Added by ambo on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 16:07:27 +0200

Record on the loss of Feign remote call request header in learning and encouraging mall micro services

Loss of request header in Feign remote call in single thread Code case Order service: Controller: /** * When the goods are selected in the shopping cart service and click "go to settlement", the order service is triggered. * This controller is mainly used to return order settlement details and other information * ...

Added by Teaky on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 01:34:44 +0200