[learning notes] learning notes of RabbitMQ tutorial of teachers with poor programming

This article is the main "bad programming person" of station B RabbitMQ tutorial According to my study notes, up uses CentOS, while I usually use Ubuntu more, so this article is based on Ubuntu. In addition, it seems that RabbitMQ needs root permission, so all the following RabbitMQ related commands should preferably have sudo, otherw ...

Added by raymedia on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:51:22 +0200

Importing Excel data into hbase

Table design Column cluster: 1-2 are recommended. If you can use one, you can't use twoVersion design: if our project does not need to save historical VERSIONS, it is OK to directly configure VERSIONS=1 according to the default configuration. If you need to save historical change information in the project, you can set VERSIONS to > 1. Bu ...

Added by switchdoc on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 16:29:20 +0200

This article discusses the operation architecture of Netty core engine Reactor

This series of Netty source code analysis articles is based on 4.1.56 Final version In this paper, the author will introduce the operation architecture of Netty's core engine Reactor. I hope that through this introduction, we can have a comprehensive understanding of how Reactor drives the operation of the whole Netty framework. It also pa ...

Added by aiikcmo on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 08:21:29 +0200

How does Spring integrate Mybatis to register Mapper interface?

See for complete project code https://codechina.csdn.net/dreaming_coder/mybatis-spring 1. Introduction In the past, when using Spring to integrate Mybatis, the Mapper interface should be added to Spring in the following way: <bean id="userMapper" class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean"> <property name="mapperInterfac ...

Added by Dizzee15 on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 07:22:27 +0200

RabbitMQ message response mechanism

RabbitMQ message response mechanism 1.1 concept It may take some time for a consumer to complete a task. What happens if one of the consumers handles a long task and suddenly hangs him up halfway. Once RabbitMQ sends a message to the consumer, it immediately marks the message as deleted. In this case, a consumer suddenly hangs up and we wi ...

Added by dsaba on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 05:36:00 +0200

[sleepy town] explore RabbitMQ -- actual Rabbitmq Client

order There are two common clients related to rabbitmq development: the native API, com rabbitmq. The other is the springboot integration package org springframework. amqp. The latter encapsulates some technical details in the form of spring (annotation), which is easier to use, such as adding functions such as connection / channel management ...

Added by busin3ss on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 21:16:52 +0200

The core concept of. Net Core -- dependency injection and Middleware

Understanding and application of dependency injection 1. Why use dependency injection (DI) What is dependency injection and why? In simple and popular terms, when a class needs the help of another class, it generates dependencies, so the required dependencies need to be injected to work together. There is a dependency inversion principle (DIP ...

Added by ari_aaron on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 15:32:15 +0200

Nginx optimization | CSDN creation punch in

Most of the nginx installation guides tell you the following Basics - install through apt get, modify a few lines of configuration here or there, and well, you already have a Web server! Moreover, in most cases, a regular installation of nginx already works well for your website. However, if you really want to squeeze out the performance of ngi ...

Added by molave on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 08:09:24 +0200

[30000 words!] Dubbo, Zookeeper learning notes! Kill the interviewer—— Double non landing Alibaba series

An unknown double non undergraduate in Northeast China successfully landed on Alibaba on all sides. Here, I share my face Sutra. You are welcome to read it. Just a meal - > Alibaba Java development manual is a development standard generally followed in the industry Serial numberArticle nameHyperlinks1Operating system overview - Dual non ...

Added by edup_pt on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 09:33:17 +0200

RocketMQ simple basic usage

RocketMQ simple basic usage (III) In the last article, I demonstrated how to get started with RocketMQ. Next, I'll learn more about how to use RocketMQ through some simple examples. 1, General message RocketMQ provides three ways to send ordinary messages: reliable synchronous sending, reliable asynchronous sending and one-way sendi ...

Added by fordiman on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 05:34:32 +0200