MQ RabbitMQ High Availability Cluster: Keepalived installation and configuration

1 Introduction Keepalived is a high-performance server high availability or hot standby solution. Keepalived is mainly used to prevent the occurrence of single point of failure of the server. It can cooperate with the load balancing servers of Nginx, Haproxy and other reverse agents to achieve high availability of the web server. Keepalived is ...

Added by Smackie on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:53:10 +0200

[learning notes] learning notes of RabbitMQ tutorial of teachers with poor programming

This article is the main "bad programming person" of station B RabbitMQ tutorial According to my study notes, up uses CentOS, while I usually use Ubuntu more, so this article is based on Ubuntu. In addition, it seems that RabbitMQ needs root permission, so all the following RabbitMQ related commands should preferably have sudo, otherw ...

Added by raymedia on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:51:22 +0200

RabbitMQ: message sending confirmation and message receiving confirmation (ACK)

summary By default, if a Message is correctly received by the consumer, it will be removed from the Queue If a Queue is not subscribed by any consumers, the messages in the Queue will be cached. When a consumer subscribes, they will be sent immediately. When the Message is correctly received by the consumer, it will be removed from th ...

Added by bob2588 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 03:17:43 +0200

How does RocketMQ Broker perceive abnormal downtime and normal offline of consumers by analyzing the fishing source code?

1, Foreword When studying the consumption timeout of RocketMQ Consumer, which leads to repeated consumption, I suddenly thought of a thing: how does the Broker perceive the abnormal downtime and offline of the Consumer/Producer? And how can the remaining consumers quickly redo the load?, Originally, after sorting out the source code of Broker ...

Added by viperdk on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 03:36:25 +0200

rabbitmq private message queue

concept The dead letter queue, as its name implies, is a message that cannot be consumed. Sometimes some messages in the queue cannot be consumed due to specific reasons. If there is no subsequent processing, such messages will become dead letters and be added to the private letter queue. Source of dead letter Message TTL expiredThe queue ha ...

Added by cherubrock74 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 07:36:20 +0200

Review RabbitMQ implementation message latency

I. overview           In RabbitMQ, by default, the message will not expire when the message expiration parameter is not set. Even if the message is not consumed, the message will always be stored in the queue. Second queue message lifetime TTL         TTL (time to live), the time that the message ...

Added by Genux on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 02:40:57 +0300

RocketMQ-01 (introduction, installation, cluster configuration, sending sample)

1. MQ introduction ##1.1 why MQ Message queuing is a "first in, first out" data structure Its application scenario mainly includes the following three aspects Application decoupling The higher the coupling of the system, the lower the fault tolerance. Taking the e-commerce application as an example, if the user creates an order ...

Added by dellwoodbu on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 02:35:55 +0300

RabbitMQ--SpringBoot -- Integration / use / usage / instance / example / actual combat

Original website: RabbitMQ--SpringBoot -- Integration / use / usage / instance / example / actual combat_ CSDN blog Other web sites Spring AMQP 2.1.2.RELEASE Chinese document - 1. Preface | Docs4dev RabbitMQ: @ RabbitListener and @ RabbitHandler and message serialization - short book Several postures of springboot + rabbit MQRabbitMQ a ...

Added by Petrushka on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 14:05:50 +0300