The difference of NULL between oracle and mysql indexes
1, Question
oracle's btree index does not store NULL value, so index range scanning will not be used with is null or is not null, but is this also true in mysql?
2, Experiment
Let's take a look at NULL in oracle (11g)
Prepare test data
SQL> create table t1 as select * from dba_objects;
SQL> update t1 set object_id = null where object_id & ...
Added by fsumba on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 03:21:16 +0200
python's crawl of easy reviews (simple)
I often listen to songs in NetEasy Cloud, and feel that those people have a good literary style and have commented on talents since ancient times. At the same time, I want to know what songs really make these people use their talents. Let's crawl through some of the hot song reviews.
Some of the modules we'll use
from Crypto.Cipher import AES ...
Added by hoolahoops on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 02:19:11 +0200
Wan Da #18, mysql8 0 how to quickly recycle inflated UNDO tablespaces
Welcome to the MySQL technical articles shared by the great SQL community. If you have any questions or want to learn, you can leave a message in the comment area below. After seeing it, you will answer itThe original content of GreatSQL community cannot be used without authorization. Please contact Xiaobian and indicate the source for reprint. ...
Added by buraks78 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 18:54:14 +0200
[learning notes] Task05: window functions -- Tianchi Longzhu plan SQL training camp
Task05: window functions, etc. - Tianchi Longzhu program SQL training camp
Original tutorial link
Recommended reference books: SQL basics tutorial
Window function
Window functions are also called OLAP functions. OLAP is short for online analytical processing, which means real-time analysis and processing of database data.
Conventional ...
Added by Mahfouz on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 17:38:09 +0200
Linux deploys Nacos and configures the MySQL data source. Put the Springboot configuration file into Nacos and use it
Yesterday all sorts of strange things were as like as two peas in the nacos tutorial. They found that the nacos tutorial was basically a bit like the same. They were copied and copied, so that you could configure a lot of things. The introduction of dependencies was also a great surprise. Even the official tutorials of the librar ...
Added by hkay1 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 17:34:16 +0200
Node.js SQL database operation (operation of MySQL database and database connection pool)
Node.js MySQL driver
Node. The native MySQL driver library of JS is called mysql MySQL L2 project is an upgraded version of the native MySQL driver project. It is compatible with MySQL and supports its main features. It provides new features:
Faster and better performancePreprocessing statementExtended support for encoding and collati ...
Added by Aeolus on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 17:08:40 +0200
MySQL streaming query
Is it easy to query a large amount of data? Try MySQL streaming query
1, Foreword
When the program accesses the MySQL database, when the amount of data queried is particularly large, the database driver loads all the loaded data into the memory, It may lead to memory overflow (OOM). In fact, a streaming query is provided in MySQL database, wh ...
Added by silversinner on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 11:08:41 +0200
mysql backup and recovery
Author: Yicun HUI source: For DBAs, data backup and recovery is a very basic operation. Under unexpected circumstances (server downtime, disk damage, RAID card damage, etc.), every DBA should be concerned about database backup at all times to ensure that data is not lost or to the minimum extent. The backup tools, ...
Added by mike760534211 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 07:50:56 +0200
How to solve the problem of mysql occupying too much CPU
Summarize the process of dealing with online problems. A large number of customers reported that the official website could not be accessed. After logging in to the database server, the database cpu soared to 1000%, and the business website could not be accessed. In the initial positioning, due to the database, it soared to 1000% so ...
Added by rondog on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 05:45:24 +0200
grant authorization statement in sql & revoke revocation statement
The simple format of MySQL command granting user permission can be summarized as follows: grant permission on database object to user
1, grant ordinary data users have the right to query, insert, update and delete all table data in the database
grant select on testdb.*to common_user@'%';
grant insert on testdb.*to common_user@'%';
grant updat ...
Added by dekeb55 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:43:04 +0200