Using MySQL Router to build read-write separated MGR cluster

The original content of GreatSQL community cannot be used without authorization. Please contact Xiaobian and indicate the source for reprint.[toc]This paper introduces how to deploy MySQL Router in the front end of MGR cluster to realize read-write separation, read load balancing and automatic failover.MySQL Router is a lightweight middleware. ...

Added by danbot26 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:04:29 +0200

First week of MySQL learning notes

catalogue 1, Database description 1. Database 1.1 common database management systems 1.2 login to mysql 1.3 change password 1.4 mysql uninstall 2. MySQl details 2.1 relationship between SQL, DB and DBMS Table 2.2 2.3 SQL statement classification 2.4 importing data 2.5 understanding of SQL script 2.6 common SQL commands 2.7 create ...

Added by paxman356 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:01:36 +0200

MySQL advanced 1 -- constraints

1. Restraint 1.1 concept Constraints are rules that act on columns in a table and are used to restrict the data added to the table For example, we can restrict the id column so that its value cannot be repeated and cannot be null. The existence of constraints ensures the correctness, effectiveness and integrity of data in the database Addin ...

Added by iRock on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:40:06 +0200

Use of mysqlbinlog command tool

Use syntax mysqlbinlog [options] log-files Description of common parameters parameterdescribe-?, --helpHelp information--base64-output=nameOutput format: 'auto': Auto by default‘ never ': output in binlog event format‘ Decode rows': output pseudo SQL in annotation mode-d, --database=nameList only entries for this database (only lo ...

Added by VirtuosiMedia on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 13:54:03 +0200

Use Eclipse to test whether it is connected to mysql

----Introduction to JDBC and simple operation of adding, deleting and modifying database Introduction: [text] 1, Introduction of JDBC 1. JDBC concept JDBC: Java Database Connection refers to database connection (any database supports JDBC connection). It is a common interface independent of specific database management system and general sq ...

Added by speedyslow on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 10:59:14 +0200

The primary part of TKCORE framework learning -- a preliminary introduction to TableResolver

A preliminary introduction to TableResolver The functions introduced in the introduction can be realized only by configuring XML, which is very convenient. However, in the actual project, the situation will be more flexible and changeable, which can not be covered only through configuration. From the beginning, we will introduce how to extend ...

Added by slimboy007 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:28:11 +0200

KunlunDB instruction manual 1.0

1, Learn about KunlunDB1.1 basic concept & Architecture of kunlundb productsKunlunDB is an open source, high-performance distributed relational database, which supports mixed load (HTAP), PB level data volume management and provides a new generation of database solution with millisecond delay.1.1.1 cluster component architecture diagram1.2 ...

Added by chipev on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:22:57 +0200

MyBatis detailed tutorial

MyBatisDirectory treetb_user.sql ```sql create database mybatis; use mybatis;drop table if exists tb_user;create table tb_user( id int primary key auto_increment, username varchar(20), password varchar(20), gender char(1), addr varchar(30));INSERT INTO tb_user VALUES (1, 'zhangsan', '123', 'male', 'Beijing');INSERT INTO tb_user VALUES (2, 'Li ...

Added by methodman on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 05:05:24 +0200

Windows Server 2008 deployment project environment summary

Windows Server 2008 deployment project environment summary Project environment: mongodbredispostgresqlmysqlnacos MonoDB In the project, MongoDB is used to store large files. In the test environment, the systems above Centos7 and windows server2012 are installed normally. When using windows server2008, the version needs to be reduced. Here, ...

Added by Mr P!nk on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 04:12:38 +0200

MySQL group replication (multi master mode)

MySQL group replication (multi master mode) Official website: brief introduction MySQL group replication is a MySQL Server plug-in that enables you to create elastic, high availability, fault-tolerant replication topologies. Based on GTID.Group replication is a technology that ...

Added by johnny on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 02:34:19 +0200