Percona XtraBackup 8.0.26 instructions for use
Welcome to the MySQL technical articles shared by the great SQL community. If you have any questions or want to learn, you can leave a message in the comment area below. After seeing it, you will answer itPercona XtraBackup feature descriptionPercona Xtrabackup backup recovery permission restrictionsCreate backup users, configuration parameters ...
Added by Rollo Tamasi on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 07:48:18 +0200
Introduction to MySQL, written test for Java development engineers
1, Database operation
Note that each time the client inputs a statement, it must be added;
1.1 display database
show databases;
1.2 create database
--format create database [Database name];
create database test;
Note: you cannot create a database ...
Added by sir nitr0z on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:56:17 +0200
Lock problem under MySQL InnoDB
background knowledge
Compared with InnoDB, MyISAM supports transactions and row level locks. When it comes to InnoDB locks, you have to mention transactions. So let's first understand some knowledge about transactions
Transaction and its ACID attribute
A transaction is a logical processing unit composed of a group of SQL statements. A ...
Added by techbinge on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 21:28:57 +0200
Connecting to MySQL database using JDBC
1. JDBC overview
1.1 JDBC introduction
1.2 JDBC architecture
1.3 JDBC programming steps
2. Connecting elements
2.1 Driver interface implementation class
2.2 URL
2.3 user name and password
3. Database connection mode
3.1 connection mode I
3.2 connection mode II
3.3 connection mode III
3.4 connection mode IV
3.5. C ...
Added by MrBillybob on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 05:11:20 +0200
JavaEE Beginner Level 4--Beginners must see
Long live your health and innocent business. Hello, I'm Laity and your brother J.
Introduction to JavaWeb
Use Java technology to solve the technology stack in the related web Internet domain (in fact, to develop a website)
Java has a long history with a wide range of api s. (Background Development Engineer major database and JavaWeb program ...
Added by Big_Rog on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 19:17:01 +0200
springboot -- connecting to mysql database
1. Preparation
Build a simple database called springboot_db and create a table under it named t_author, the script is as follows: CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/`springboot_db` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;
USE `springboot_db`;
CREATE TABLE `t_author` (
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT N ...
Added by aprieto on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 13:36:01 +0200
MySQL table creation field length limit, number of Chinese characters and letters in bytes
varchar(N), N refers to the maximum number of characters, not bytes.
(1) MySQL requires that the definition length of a row cannot exceed 65535.
(2) If a single field is greater than 65535, it is converted to TEXT.
(3) The maximum limit for a single line is 65535, excluding TEXT and BLOB.
(4)utf8: 1 character = 3 bytes, 1 Chinese ...
Added by paxman356 on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:03:31 +0200
When the data volume reaches 1000w or above, separate databases and tables are used to improve the database operation performance
Data segmentation can be divided into two ways according to its segmentation type: vertical (vertical) segmentation and horizontal (horizontal) segmentation
Shardingsphere Jdbc is positioned as a lightweight Java framework and provides additional services in the Jdbc layer of Java. It uses the client to connect directly ...
Added by rp2006 on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 14:27:54 +0200
Why is MyISAM faster than InnoDB query in MySQL
We all know that in MySQL, MyISAM is faster than InnoDB query, but many people don't know the principle.
Today, let's talk about the principle and verify whether MyISAM is really faster than InnoDB.
Before exploring the principle, let's verify the query speed.
Let's verify two questions:
1. Is MyISAM faster than InnoDB query t ...
Added by patrikG on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 07:54:50 +0200
05 Mybatis annotation development (the end of Mybatis Series)
Mybatis user manual (5 of 5, continuously updated), collection + attention, don't get lost, hope to be helpful to my friends~ The source code link is at the end of the text ↓↓
Using annotation development can reduce the writing of Mapper mapping files.
1. Mybatis common notes
@Insert:Realize new
@Update:Implementation ...
Added by zevious on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 07:10:17 +0200