Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Design and Implementation of Business Website for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Design and implementation of business website ...

Added by lew14 on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 14:54:34 +0300

MariaDB semi-synchronous test

Environmental Science: as master server as slave server as slave server Edition: OS: centos 7 1810 with mini install mariadb-5.5.60 Purpose: By default, the replication function of MySQL is asynchronous. Asynchronous replication can provide the best performance. The main library sends the ...

Added by Ameslee on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 07:56:52 +0300

Mysql Misoperation Quick Restore Data

Mysql Misoperation Quick Restore Data background In the daily work process, ECM has a large number of scenarios of manual direct operation of the database to modify data, which is difficult to achieve absolute certainty. When there is no backup and a large amount of data is updated or deleted by mi ...

Added by Qaid on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 04:55:11 +0300

MySQL database-table operation-SQL statement

1. MySQL multi-table query 1.1 Foreign Key Constraints In order to eliminate the Cartesian product in multi-table queries, MySQL can use foreign key Association queries when building tables and performing key queries between multiple tables. Foreign key: Refer to the value of one column in Table 1 (sub) and another column in Table 2 (main), ...

Added by TVining on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 13:44:43 +0300

MySQL Case -- Optimizing OR Statement Trample Recording

Problem Description R&D colleagues feedback that an application is slow to execute, corresponding to SQL: UPDATE bs_serial_trac SET SERIAL_IS_LOCK = 0, LOCK_VALUE = '', UPDATE_USER = 'transSys' WHERE GOODS_NO = '4418095740626' AND ( PARENT_CODE = 'F9G7S19722001835' OR SERIAL = 'F9G7S19722001835' ); The index on table bs_s ...

Added by KC_Geek on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 11:48:33 +0300

MySQL 8.0.17 Implementation Plan

1. SQL execution process 1.1 Internal execution of SQL statements MySQL is divided into Server layer and Storage Engine layer. Server layer includes connectors, analyzers, optimizers, executors and so on, while storage engine layer is responsible for data storage and reading.When SQL is executed, connections are established and privileges are o ...

Added by RandomEngy on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 06:47:34 +0300

sql statement memorandum

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special purpose programming language. It is a database query and programming language for accessing data, querying, updating and managing relational database systems. Add a self-increasing ID field ALTER TABLE tblname ADD COLUMN csmid COUNTER (0, 1) access creates a table with self-increasing fields CREATE T ...

Added by eugene2008 on Sat, 03 Aug 2019 10:03:49 +0300

The Leftmost Principle of mysql Index

Building tables CREATE TABLE `user` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `sex` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `age` tinyint(2) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `Index_user` (`name`,`age`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4; Testing sql First mysql> exp ...

Added by wikstov on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 13:19:47 +0300

MySQL Processlist -- View the SQL status of session execution

For MySQL version 5.7, you can use the sys.session view to view the last SQL executed by the session: SELECT * FROM sys.session WHERE CONN_ID = 20036 \G The sys.session view is associated with sys.processlist, and sys.processlist uses `performance_schema'. `events_statements_current'. If you want to query the SQL situation that a ses ...

Added by titeroy on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 03:35:29 +0300

My docker essay 14: An example of MySQL operation

This article uses docker to run MySQL and do simple operations. This article uses MySQL as the official mirror, version 5.7. Download the mirror command: docker pull mysql:5.7 Run the container with the following command and set the root password to 123456. run --name hi-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1 ...

Added by widox on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 01:59:01 +0300