Xtrabackup backup recovery

Xtrabackup description and installationXtrabackup description and installationFull backup and recovery of XtrabackupFull and incremental backup and recovery of XtrabackupIV. Partial Completeness, Increment and Recovery of XtrabackupXtrabackup description and installation1. Introduction and description of XtrabackupPercona XtraBackup is the only ...

Added by toro04 on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 20:43:53 +0300

Part collation of knowledge points in mina framework

Before doing a game development for a period of time, using mina communication framework, afraid of long forgotten, here to sort out the knowledge points. The first is to understand his core nio, but to say this, we must first understand bio. Before jdk1.4, blocking-BIO was used. After jdk1.4, NIO-non-blocking IO was introduced. After jdk1.7, A ...

Added by youqing on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 04:22:33 +0300

centos7 deploys one of the operating systems in batches using cobbler (2.8)

A Brief Introduction to cobbler Operational and maintenance automation includes standardization, instrumentation, Web-based, service-based and intelligent levels. In a production environment with a slightly larger scale and thousands or even tens of thousands of servers, instrumentation system installation process and unified system installatio ...

Added by djumaka on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 01:23:20 +0300

Python Object-Oriented Five Foundations

Python Object-Oriented Five Foundations Today, we will learn the remaining object-oriented knowledge, mainly in the following aspects: 1. Context management protocol, 2. Decorating class 3. Metaclass Context Management Protocol When learning how to operate a file, the operation of a file is as follows: with open('file name','Pattern')as f: ...

Added by x_maras on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 23:58:14 +0300

Web crawler page ranking: semantic fingerprint

Introduction: Web crawlers allow us to get information from web pages efficiently, but the repetition rate of web pages is high. Web pages need to be sorted by content. There are many ways to judge the content of a document is repeated. Semantic fingerprint is one of the more efficient methods. This paper is selected from "Full Analysis o ...

Added by alvinphp on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 19:52:31 +0300

Implementing Short Message Communication in java--Complete Tutorial

Preface Short message transmission is now an indispensable part of the project. How can we push information to other people's mobile phones through web pages? Simple, simple coding! After reading this article, we only need to know what to send in order to realize the sending of short messages in the future. To whom? OK, the code is as follow ...

Added by delfa on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 01:48:30 +0300

af3.0 Learning Use and Understanding

Understanding the use of af3.0 af3.0 no longer uses "AFHTTP Request Operation" and only uses NSURLSession, so let's start with how to use NSURLSession to initiate requests What network requests to start under config NSURLSession uses config to establish connections What type of request data is NSURLSession Task, up, down Session &am ...

Added by SecureMind on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 01:16:27 +0300

node.js Connects to MongoDB through Privilege Verification

In January 2017, due to the negligence of the configuration of most mongodb, a series of cups and utensils happened. The so-called configuration negligence is that the owner of mongdb does not open authorization authentication for mongodb, resulting in the database "in any network environment, do not use account direct login". This t ...

Added by j4mes_bond25 on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 21:47:27 +0300

phpcms page replacement

The replacement process for the first page starts with making a static page and getting it here:   You will find that there are no pictures and no stylesheets in this page. Because we just throw web pages over, the corresponding pictures and stylesheets aren't thrown over Pictures or anything should be thrown in: Then open the index.html home ...

Added by ashleek007 on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 20:32:28 +0300

(High concurrency detection) 2. redis cluster deployment.

1. Node planning: Two ways: one master + many slaves, many to many slaves, the second way to share the master node, easy to expand and reduce capacity. Container name container IP address Map port number Service Running Mode Redis-master1 6391->6379,16391->6379 master ...

Added by bluetonic on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 19:06:01 +0300