webpack advanced application: creating a library

In addition to packaging applications, webpack can also be used to package JavaScript libraries. The following applies to library authors who want to simplify the packaging strategy. Create a library Suppose we are writing a small library called my math, which contains addition and subtraction. The basic project structure may be as fol ...

Added by xnowandtheworldx on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 15:22:16 +0200

Vue learning notes

Click jump: Vue learning (I) Click jump: Vue learning (II) Click jump: Vue learning (III) Click jump: Vue learning (IV) 4. Using Vue scaffolding 4.1. Initialize scaffold 1. Explain 1.Vue scaffold is a standardized development tool (development platform) officially provided by Vue 2. The latest version is 4 x. 3.file 2. Specific step ...

Added by ale_jrb on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 14:27:48 +0200

Quick start Vue3

I Quick start Vue3 1. CDN using Vue3 <script src="https://lib.baomitu.com/vue/3.0.2/vue.global.js"></script> 2.vue-cli Upgrade to Vue cli v4 5 (remove and install) npm i -g @vue/cli@next 3. Use Vite Using the feature that ES6 import will send requests to load files, intercept these requests, do some precompiling, and the pr ...

Added by Quilmes on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 16:53:40 +0200

[source code reading | 04] update notifier check package update

1. Scene   used to convert the current package Compare the package in JSON with the package management tool library (such as npm). If there is a package that can be updated, you will be prompted. 2. Use 1) Installation $ npm install update-notifier 2) Use const updateNotifier = require('update-notifier'); const pkg = require('./pack ...

Added by ijmccoy on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 16:06:06 +0200

Installation and use of React!

1, React library descriptionThe react library consists of two parts: 1. React contains all basic functions; 2. ReactDOM only contains the function of operating DOM.1. Load React Library# 1. Load with < script > Development version:<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.development.js" crossorigin></script> Release:& ...

Added by BizBoy on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 01:06:22 +0200

A concise tutorial on regular expressions

Introduction and examples Regular expression describes a pattern of string matching, which can be used to extract sub strings of a specific format contained in a large string. Regular expressions are text patterns composed of ordinary characters and special characters. 1. Extract digital part # Extract the numeric part from the string " ...

Added by rishiraj on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 02:28:50 +0200

Detailed description and use of springboot maven plug-in

1. Introduction Spring Boot Maven plug-in In Apache Maven Spring Boot support is provided. It allows you to package executable jar or war files, run Spring Boot applications, generate build information, and start your Spring Boot applications before running integration tests. 2. Getting started To use the Spring Boot Maven plug-in, include t ...

Added by shuka79 on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 07:37:32 +0200

Hand in hand to implement a web code template rapid generation CLI tool

prefaceIn the last article, we implemented a general scaffolding tool for Web engineering to quickly build projects. In the actual development, especially the background management system, there are many similar code implementations. Therefore, we can continue to implement a tool to quickly generate web code templates, saying goodbye to copy / ...

Added by menriquez on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 16:44:37 +0200

webpack installation configuration

1, Introduction: 1. Module packaging tool for JS application 2, webpack installation 1. Environment: node environment 2. npm install webpack -g Description: npm install command; Webpack is the tool name, and the version can be specified, such as: webpack@5.58.3 ; - g means global installation. If you don't want global installation and onl ...

Added by baby on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 09:45:45 +0300

How to publish an npm application?

preface We need to install all kinds of npm every day. How do we publish npm to the remote warehouse? Understanding the process of npm from coding to push ing to npm warehouse will help us debug npm packages better. Next, take a JSON tree diff package I wrote as an example to show the process from writing to publishing an npm package. Initial ...

Added by kee1108 on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 06:56:18 +0300