NPM package management and modularization

package introduction The package specification of CommonJS allows us to combine a set of related modules to form a complete set of tools The package specification of CommonJS consists of two parts: package structure and package description file Package structure: used to organize various files in the package Package description file (pa ...

Added by nicko on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 14:49:20 +0200

Release your own front-end package with vite+lerna and verdaccio

prefaceYears ago, I made a project similar to user portrait, which has independent functions and may be embedded by many projects as a functional module, so I naturally thought of making this project into a component output. Vue cli provides Library packaging mode Therefore, I only need to copy the packaged files to other projects after each de ...

Added by Simplicity on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 05:42:37 +0200

Release an npm package and build your own third-party library

Release an npm package and build your own third-party library preface When Xiaosheng needs to release his npm package, he can't meet his needs by seeing many online tutorials; Either it's too simple or it's short of three or four. Therefore, go to GitHub of major manufacturers and read its source code patiently before you have experience; I h ...

Added by Warzone RTS on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 04:31:54 +0200

The actual combat of vue3 project starts from 0

First check your current npm version. The version of vue3 needs to be greater than 3.0. It is recommended to install the latest npm View version `npm -v` Upgrade or install cnpm npm install cnpm -g` Upgrade npm `cnpm install npm -g` Cnpm can work well with Webpack or Browserify module packer, so we recommend using cnpm, so we n ...

Added by webgod on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 20:29:00 +0200

vue cli, use of webpack, vue router routing, vue+elementuUI, nested routing (sub routing) in vue, parameter passing and redirection, routing mode, 404 and routing hook

1.Vue-Cli 1.1 introduction to Vue cli A scaffold officially provided by vue cli is used to quickly generate a vue project template; The pre-defined directory structure and basic code are just like when we create Maven project, we can choose to create a skeleton project, which is the scaffold, and our development is faster; Main func ...

Added by James0816 on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 22:49:09 +0200

Yarn installation and use tutorial

Yarn installation and use tutorial 1, Official website guidelines Quick start | Yan Chinese documents npm Chinese document | npm Chinese website ( 2, Installation Stable version: v1.22.17 Supported Node versions: ^ 4.8.0 | ^ 5.7.0 | ^ 6.2.2 | > = 8.0.0 windows installation: Introduction to official website installation np ...

Added by Nightslyr on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:46:33 +0200

Packaging and automatic update of Electron application --- case practice, very detailed

In the last article, we introduced some basic knowledge of electron, Get started with Electron and teach you to write complete practical cases Here, we will continue to introduce the packaging and automatic update of Electron based on this project. Generate Icon Before packaging the application, prepare an icon for the application as the inst ...

Added by robvan75 on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 02:38:20 +0200

NPM nodejs and webpack installation

nodejs and npm 1, First, let's talk about node What is JS? node.js is the running environment of JavaScript. It is not a js file. In essence, it is the encapsulation of Chrome V8 engine. node.js is a development platform that enables JavaScript to run on the server, and makes it a scripting language with the same status as the server la ...

Added by Kyrillos on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:48:23 +0200

Initial node JS framework service construction

Let's break it down. What do all servers need at least? *Static file access *Routing distribution *Database connection These three are the most important server basic functions: Static files are interface resources similar to those required by front ends such as images, CSS, JS, HTML, etc Routing distribution is that when the browser OR clie ...

Added by daverules on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 03:40:12 +0200

vue cli 2X tutorial

I Environment: NodeJs(npm) There are no special operations for Mac. Next - > next - > install - > finishedwindows startup installation is the same as Mac terminal / cmdNode - V - > 14.16.2 indicates that the installation is successfulNPM - V - > 14.16.2 indicates that the installation is successfulwindows needs to modify the dow ...

Added by venkychinnu on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:51:10 +0200