nginx smooth (no restart) upgrade

1. As for upgrading and installing nginx third-party modules, you need to check the version of nginx installed and the compiled parameters. [root@ittestserver1 opt]# /usr/local/nginx2/sbin/nginx -V nginx version: nginx/1.10.3 built by gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-16) (GCC) built with OpenSSL 1.1.0e 16 Feb 2017 TLS SNI support enable ...

Added by youscript on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 09:31:56 +0200

cisco switch configuration ssh Remote Login

Preface: Recently, I have sorted out some previous study notes (some of them are missing, some of them will be disordered, and I will make up later). In the past, it was stored locally, and this time it was transferred to the network for standby.   cisco SSH Remote Login configuration 0. Configure ip, start port Switch>enable ...

Added by TaosBill on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 23:59:25 +0300

shell project-distribution system

Distribution System-expect yum install -y expect //Automatic remote login #! /usr/bin/expect set host "" set passwd "123456" spawn ssh root@$host expect { "yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue} "assword:" { send "$passwd\r" } } interact After automatic remote login, execute commands and exit #!/usr/bin/expect set user "roo ...

Added by svan_rv on Sat, 05 Oct 2019 03:26:09 +0300

Deploying static websites using Apache services

Configure the website service program first Step 1: Mount the system image in the CD-ROM device into the / media/cdrom directory. [root@LinuxLehehe ~]# mkdir -p /media/cdrom [root@LinuxLehehe ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only Step 2: Create configu ...

Added by pleigh on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 02:46:49 +0300

MySQL relaylog + SQL_Thread incremental recovery binlog

1. Set the executed gtid number of 3308 instances as the gtid number at the end of the full backup on that day View the name of the binlog file that ends when the xtrabackup is fully backed up on that day, the pos location point of the binlog, and the Gtid number that ends when the full backup is completed: [root@mgr01 backup]# cat /data/backu ...

Added by Amal on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 08:23:00 +0300

nginx - Implementing https encryption and redirection

1. Implementing https encryption We know that now is the age of https, and almost every excellent website has launched https. After opening the HTTPS encrypted access, login to your website, browser address bar will appear a green lock, which is the use of hypertext transfer security protocol (HTTPS), ...

Added by tomdumont on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 09:21:56 +0300

Enterprise Section - --- Web Page Compression under nginx

Experimental environment We write index.html in/usr/local/nginx/html on a virtual machine with nginx configured. We can access the web successfully and the size of the web page is more than 200 k configuration file Nginx compresses web pages and needs to modify niginx's configuration file.Let's fi ...

Added by flash-genie on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 20:44:14 +0300

Introduction to nginx - load balancing

Load balancing purposes: Forwarding the front-end ultra-high concurrent access to the back-end servers for processing solves the problem that the pressure of a single node is too high, which results in the slow response of Web services, and in serious cases leads to the paralysis of services and the ...

Added by jclarkkent2003 on Sun, 28 Jul 2019 13:48:26 +0300

MongoDB Learning: Backup Recovery

This paper mainly introduces the method of backup and recovery of MongoDB replica set, common commands, and some specific operation procedures. Finally, a backup scheme is introduced. I. Backup Method 0,oplog 0.1 What is oplogoplog is a capped collection, located in the local library 0.2 local Librarylocal libraries are the system libraries of ...

Added by saranya on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 05:35:37 +0300

Fully Automatic Network Installation of Linux-PXE

Preface: Recent tidy up some of the previous study notes. In the past, they were stored locally, and this time they were transferred to the network for reserve.   Advantages of network installation: 1) Scaling: assembling multiple mainframes at the same time; 2) Automation: automatic installation system, configuration and other services; 3. ...

Added by Javizy on Mon, 22 Jul 2019 08:54:32 +0300