Deploy an Enterprise Private Mirror Warehouse Harbor

Private mirror warehouses have many advantages 1) Save network bandwidth, do not download from the central warehouse by everyone for each mirror, just download from the private warehouse; 2) Provide mirroring resources for internal use and push them to local private warehouses for internal use. VMware has an open source enterprise Registry proj ...

Added by SeaJones on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 07:54:43 +0300

Boot process and repair of linux system

Disk boot mbr represents the master boot record, located in track 0 and sector 1, with a size of 446 bytes, as shown in the following figure: mbr function: Record the location of grub2 boot files When mbr data is lost, the system will stop starting because the boot partition cannot be found Problem simulation mode [root@localhost Desktop]# ...

Added by jimjack145 on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 21:57:47 +0300

Apache APIs IX provides KubeSphere with better gateway and K8S Ingress Controller

Introduction to KubeSphere KubeSphere is a cloud oriented native application system built on Kubernetes. IT is completely open source, supports multi cloud and multi cluster management, provides full stack IT automatic operation and maintenance capability, and simplifies the DevOps workflow of enterprises. Its architecture makes IT very conven ...

Added by fredouille on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 14:04:08 +0300

Prometheus experimental deployment

Prometheus Deployment Lab Server Assignment host name address Installation package prometheus prometheus-2.27.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz server1 node_exporter-1.1.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz server2 server3 1. Make time synchronization ntpdate ntp1.aliyun. ...

Added by unkwntech on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 19:16:54 +0300

docker private repository registry and cgroup resource constraints

1. Establishment of private warehouse registry [root@docker ~]# docker pull registry Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from library/registry 6a428f9f83b0: Pull complete 90cad49de35d: Pull complete b215d0b40846: Pull complete 429305b6c15c: Pull complete 6f7e10a4e907: Pull complete Digest: sha256:265d4a5ed8bf0df27d1107edb00b70e6 ...

Added by mgmoses on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 20:55:33 +0300

Build MySQL 8.0.20 with Docker of CentOS7 (solve 1251 client does not support authentication protocol requested by Ser)

1, Build mysql container service 1. Pull image docker pull mysql:8.0.20 2. Create any container (just to copy the mount directory) docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:8.0.20 Check whether the startup is successful: docker ps -a 3. After successful startup, enter the container and copy the ...

Added by amandas on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 05:28:19 +0300

2021-09-08-Nginx Note 1: Nginx Basic Configuration

Forward Proxy Server The server between the client and the target server. The client sends a request to the proxy and specifies the target server. Then the proxy requests and obtains the content from the target server and returns it to the client. In general, the proxy server is a forward proxy server.Core: Users know the target server the ...

Added by rileyrichter on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 08:12:56 +0300

Beginner docker container

What is docker docker is a lightweight virtual machineRunning applications in linux container and open source The difference between docker and virtual machine differencecontainervirtual machineStarting speedSecond orderMinute levelOperation performanceNear native (90% running directly in the kernel)About 50% lossquantityDepending on the ...

Added by newbeee on Mon, 06 Sep 2021 01:40:53 +0300

Spring cloud learning 3 (using Ribbon to realize load balancing and customize load balancing algorithm)

1, Ribbon: load balancing (client based) 1.1 load balancing and Ribbon What is Ribbon? Spring Cloud Ribbon is a set of client-side load balancing tools based on Netflix Ribbon.In short, Ribbon is an open source project released by Netflix. Its main function is to provide software load balancing algorithms for clients and connect Netflix's mi ...

Added by Shuriken1 on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 00:10:07 +0300

Docker basics!

Docker overview Docker is an open source tool for running applications in Linux. It is a lightweight virtual machine. It was born in 2013. Its original initiator is dotCloud company. Its design purpose is "Build, Ship and Run Any App,Anywhere", that is, through the management of the life cycle of application packaging, release ...

Added by Mindwreck on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 20:51:26 +0300