JAVA Basic Knowledge | Generics

First, what is generics? Generics are "parameterized types". For example, by defining a variable A, we can define this variable as a string type or an integer in the following way. String A; Integer A; Of course, when the type of variable is known, if there is one case, we do not know what type we will need when defining the vari ...

Added by catalin.1975 on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 17:49:43 +0300

Balance of the Force [2018 CCPC Final B] [Enumeration + Category and Search + Line Segment Tree]

2018 China Collegiate Programming Contest Final (CCPC-Final 2018) Topic Link The thinking of this question is really a step by step approach to the answer, thinking for a long time. 1. Category and Search Sets to Divide Relations into Sets First of all, when we see the contradiction, the first th ...

Added by abigbluewhale on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:35:37 +0300

Java Custom Annotation Verification Specified Fields Correspond to Database Content Repetition

I. Preface In some scenarios, we need to verify whether the code is duplicated, whether the account number is duplicated, whether the ID number is duplicated, etc. Codes like validation are as follows: So is there any way to solve this similar amount of duplicate code? We can achieve this by customizing annotation validation, as follows by add ...

Added by tidalwave on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 09:58:49 +0300

Spring Boot Caffeine Caffeine

Integration of Caffeine and Spring Boot Caffeine is a rewritten version of the Guava cache using Java 8 and will replace Guava in Spring Boot 2.0. If Caffeine occurs, Caffeine Cache Manager will be automatically configured. Using the spring.cache.cache-names attribute, you can create a cache at startup and customize it (in sequence) by configur ...

Added by ColinP on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 06:48:07 +0300

RT-Thread of IOT-OS--Inter-thread Synchronization and Inter-thread Communication

Previous blogs Synchronization and Communication between UCOS Tasks This paper introduces the synchronization mechanism between tasks, such as semaphores, mutexes, message mailbox and message queue, and the realization principle of communication mechanism between tasks. This paper mainly looks at the r ...

Added by geoffism on Sat, 21 Sep 2019 17:19:20 +0300

Python Foundation - Branch, Circulation

- Restore content to start Catalog 1. Branch structure 1.1 Preliminary Introduction 1.2 Use Cases 1.3 practice 2. Cyclic structure 1.1 Preliminary Introduction 1.2 Use Cases 1. Branch structure 1.1 Preliminary Introduction Up to now, all the Python codes we write are executed sequentially, but sometimes logical ju ...

Added by peytonrm on Sat, 21 Sep 2019 16:45:31 +0300

Common Sorting Algorithms and Their Corresponding Time and Space Complexities

I organize Java advanced materials for free, covering Java, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Zookeeper, Spring Cloud, Dubbo, high concurrent and distributed tutorials, a total of 30G, need to collect. Portal:   Sorting algorithms have evolved over a long period of time, resulting in many different ...

Added by pfchin on Fri, 20 Sep 2019 10:52:46 +0300

5 Structures and Classes

1.5 Structures and Classes Return to directory 1 Object-Oriented TechnologyLast Section 1.4 cpp programming foundationNext section 1.6 Common features of cpp structural morphology source code /* struct.cpp Examples of Structures */ #include <iostream> #include <string> struct Student { std::string name; // Full name std:: ...

Added by celavi on Fri, 20 Sep 2019 07:12:10 +0300

Python training camp 45 days - Day04 (function)

Catalog 1. Introduction of Functions 2. Parameters of functions 3. Modules and Functions 4. Recursive function 5. Anonymous functions 6. Multiple Return Values Python's learning has entered its fourth day. In the previous chapters, we have learned basic variable manipulation ...

Added by adunphy on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:44:02 +0300

Summary of Java lookup algorithms

Preface Language: Java Environment: IntelliJ IDEA JDK Version: 1.8 Source code: GitHub Overview of Search Algorithms and Efficiency Analysis Algorithm name Time complexity Spatial complexity Sequential search O(n) O(1) Binary search O(log2n) O(1) Interpolation search O(log2(log2n)) O(1) fibonacci search O(log2n) O(n) In order t ...

Added by hexguy on Thu, 19 Sep 2019 12:48:58 +0300