Implementation of SSO with Spring Cloud-OAuth2 and zuul

Preface After climbing for two days, the pit finally came up. It was very simple to see what others wrote. When they wrote, they had various problems. There were many SSO articles on the Internet, and when they wrote, they had various problems (they were too dishy). Make a note. It's easy to check later. For the OAuth2 Authentication and Author ...

Added by gbrown on Fri, 11 Oct 2019 14:13:16 +0300

Spring Boot 2.X: Developing web Applications Using Spring MVC + MyBatis + Thymeleaf

Preface Spring MVC is a native framework built on the Servlet API and included in the Spring framework from the beginning. This paper mainly describes the architecture and analysis of Spring MVC, and uses Spring Boot + Spring MVC + MyBatis (SSM) + Thymeleaf (Template Engine) framework to build a Web project simply and quickly. Web MVC Architec ...

Added by omidh on Thu, 10 Oct 2019 11:27:40 +0300

Spring Source Parsing - bean Creation Process

createBean protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Creating instance of bean '" + beanName + "'"); } RootBeanDefinition mbdToUse = mbd; // Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point, and ...

Added by Centrek on Thu, 10 Oct 2019 03:10:09 +0300

Talk about Sharing-jdbc's SQLExecution Hook

order This paper mainly studies Sharing-jdbc's SQLExecution Hook. SQLExecutionHook incubator-shardingsphere-4.0.0-RC1/sharding-core/sharding-core-execute/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/core/execute/hook/ public interface SQLExecutionHook { /** * Handle when SQL execution started. * * @param ...

Added by kr4mer on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 20:43:34 +0300

Using Vue technology stack handle to develop tourism website from scratch

vue-travel travel travel website github Write_hand: Project Introduction This project is a web application that realizes online booking of tourism vacation products, leisure tourism booking platform, providing domestic, foreign, peripheral tourism and tourism strategy functions. Project demonstration Demo address Project function: 1: User Mo ...

Added by PHPcoder25 on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 01:38:07 +0300

Android Network Programming-Socket

Socket plays a very important role in Android network programming. Basic Concept of Socket Socket is the middle software abstraction layer of communication between application layer and TCP/IP protocol family, which is represented as a programming interface (API) encapsulating TCP/IP protocol family. From the point of view of design pattern, ...

Added by ndjustin20 on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 00:35:59 +0300

JAVA simulates Spring to implement IoC process (with source code)

Introduction: my senior student has written blog for the first time. If there is something wrong with it, please correct me. I. Inversion of Control Inversion Control Traditional development requires new objects, but there are several problems in doing so:   It's inefficient and time-consuming to create objects. I want to use objects rig ...

Added by monezz on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 15:08:19 +0300

Introduction to Socket Communication

I. Socket sockets Two programs on the network communicate through a two-way connection to realize data exchange. One end of the connection is called a socket. Using socket to develop TCP program in java, this method can easily establish reliable, bidirectional, persistent, point-to-point communication connection. In the development of socket ...

Added by FSGr33n on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 13:45:09 +0300

Dynamic Changes of VUE Routing Parameters and Refresh Pages

Dynamic changes of VUE routing parameters, dynamic changes of refresh page routing parameters, and accessing routing parameters by subcomponents Scenario: In response to changes in routing parameters, when routing parameters are used, the original component instance will be reused. Because both routes render the same component, reuse is more ef ...

Added by himani on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 12:10:20 +0300

Spring Cloud registration and discovery component eureka uses

Eureka Yes. Netflix Developed, a REST-based component for service registration and discovery It mainly includes two components: Eureka Server and Eureka Client. Eureka Client: A Java client used to simplify interaction with Eureka Server (usually the client and server in microservices) Eureka Server: The ability to provide service registra ...

Added by smpdawg on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 02:45:51 +0300